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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Jan 2000
      Thousand Oaks California
      Country Flag: United States

      Feedback - Read before posting

      After a lot of discussion and revisions to this in the moderator section we now have a feedback section.

      I want to thank all the moderators for putting this together. They put a lot of thought and effort into it.

      If you have something positive to say please speak up. So often the only time people talk about an experience is when it wasn't great so help us keep things in balance


      1) This forum is now moderated. All new topics must be approved by Pro-Touring.com Ownership / Staff before being viewed by the membership. (It will remain hidden until approved)

      2) You may submit a new topic in this forum about a particular vendor or private seller ONLY if it is a NEW experience you have had or are having with a vendor or private seller. Both positive and negative topics will be posted, visible to the readership but closed to further commentary from non-involved parties.

      3) Only the vendor or private seller discussed will be able to reply. If the vendor or private seller wishes to reply, the reply will be posted and again the thread will remain visible to the readership but closed to further commentary from non-involved parties.

      4) All “I heard so and so had a bad experience” and other such speculative or hearsay posts will not be tolerated. Grievances must be factual, must include supporting documentation and shall not be embellished or emotional. All “so and so is a rip off”, “deadbeat”, “cheat” or any other potentially defamatory, anger driven, adjective laced topics will not be posted. Requirements for an "approved" post are shown below.*

      5) This new sub-forum will allow our members to 'search' and easily read both positive & negative information about vendors or private sellers and allow readers to make their own judgment about whom to do business with. Thread titles have priority in the search tool SO MAKE SURE YOU INCLUDE THE PROPER SEARCH WORDS IN YOUR TOPIC HEADING. If readers want additional information, they can e-mail or PM the member.

      The following information must be included for prospective posts for either positive or negative feedback:

      * Date of initial transaction.
      * Sponsor Vendor / Non-Sponsor Vendor / Private Seller (select one) - Followed by Vendor / Private Seller Name
      * Material / Service Purchased.
      * Method of payment.
      * Promised Delivery Date
      * Actual Delivery Date
      * Very Satisfied / Satisfied / Unsatisfied (select one)

      If "Unsatisfied" is selected and the post is for negative feedback on a vendor or private seller the following additional information is required:

      * Record of communication with vendor: (Examples: Called on 1/4/11, 1/16/11, 1/30/11 and left voicemail message or emailed on 1/4/11, 1/16/11, 1/30/11 with copies of emails)
      * Record of billing if any: (Examples: Deposited check record from account, Debit record from account, CC statement showing charges, Paypal transaction record screenshot)
      * Time elapsed since last communication from vendor or private seller.
      Larry Callahan
      Founder/Administrator of Pro-Touring.com, G-Machines.com and HostMyJunk.com
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