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    1. #21
      Join Date
      Jun 2008
      Greenwood, Indiana
      Country Flag: United States

      2013 Heidt's Performance Car Challenge

      Does anyone know what time everything starts on Friday? I was looking for a schedule of events with times on when everything is going on. Ive got Three cars coming up for the festivities and we were trying to plan ahead.

    2. #22
      Join Date
      May 2007
      Mooresville, Indiana
      Country Flag: United States
      Quote Originally Posted by tflyboy77 View Post
      Does anyone know what time everything starts on Friday? I was looking for a schedule of events with times on when everything is going on. Ive got Three cars coming up for the festivities and we were trying to plan ahead.
      Although I can't seem to find the timeline anywhere online, I am pretty sure that I read somewhere that the Heidts open house starts at 10:30. We are still debating leaving Thursday evening, or really early Saturday morning.

    3. #23
      Join Date
      Jun 2008
      Greenwood, Indiana
      Country Flag: United States

      2013 Heidt's Performance Car Challenge

      I guess well be leaving really early Friday morning. I've found the schedule for last year and the tour started at 3:30 I think.

    4. #24
      Join Date
      Nov 2006
      Cincinnati Ohio
      Country Flag: United States
      Quote Originally Posted by tflyboy77 View Post
      Does anyone know what time everything starts on Friday? I was looking for a schedule of events with times on when everything is going on. Ive got Three cars coming up for the festivities and we were trying to plan ahead.
      Got this from the last email they sent me...
      Last minute details and reminders

      It's almost time for the HPCC event and we wanted to throw out a couple of things that are important for racer attendees.

      1) Tech Sheets

      A few weeks ago we sent out an email with a link to the Tech sheet included here. Please complete it before the event and bring it with you to either the BBQ Friday May 10th in the afternoon (preferably) or to the gate when you arrive at 7 am Saturday May 11 (or May 12th if you are racing only that day). If you are planning to tech in at the Friday BBQ, we would like to hear from you so we can plan accordingly with the proper number of staff members - and food/beverages - to cover the crowd. Send us an email at [email protected] to reserve a spot.

      2) BBQ Friday

      The BBQ day is May 10th and will begin with plant tours at the current Heidts facility at 111 Kerry Lane in Wauconda, IL starting at 10:30am and ending at 1pm. From there, visitors can head over to the new facility (maps will be provided - it is only a 15 minute drive) for the BBQ luncheon and vehicle tech in. It is advisable to complete tech in Friday afternoon to speed your processing Saturday morning. Bill Howell and his team from ASCS will determine the competition class you will be running for the weekend.

      Im not sure what time we are leaving on Friday, Its a about a 6 hour drive to Heidts place.
      1972 Nova Ridetech, Forgeline, Falken Tires, Wilwood, Bowler Performance Transmission, Lingenfelter Performance Engineering.

    5. #25
      Join Date
      Jun 2008
      Greenwood, Indiana
      Country Flag: United States

      2013 Heidt's Performance Car Challenge

      Thanks so much Bad94. That's exactly what I was looking for.

    6. #26
      Join Date
      Nov 2006
      Country Flag: United States
      Got this email today:

      Hot News from Heidts Performance Car Challenge!

      Along with a great weekend of car show and racing fun, Heidts and its "friends" have come up with some amazing prizes to be raffled off at the Forgeline reception party (light hor d'oeuvres only) Saturday evening (starting at 6 pm) at the HPCC host hotel Holiday Inn in Joliet, IL.

      While you may have heard about the incredibility generous Nitto Tires raffle prize of a free set of any tires Nitto sells to the lucky drawing winner, the list of additional prizes has grown immense. As of this date, here are the prizes you could win that evening:

      Edelbrock - $100 gift certificate for Edelbrock products
      Johns Industry - one free differential third member
      Sweet Manufacturing - two free U-joints
      Street and Performance 50% off any set of header
      Sanderson headers - $415.00 towards a purchase of any set of headers
      Tanks Ins -Yogis - $250 off any gas tank purchase
      Undercover Innovations - Two gift certificates
      IDIDIT - $369.00 off a steering column purchase
      Wheel fit - one gift certificate good for $379.99 towards tool purchase
      Forgeline Wheels - one free Forgeline Jacket
      Raffle tickets will be given out to racing event participants at the door as they enter the reception starting at 7 p.m. The prizes will be raffled off throughout the evening culminating with the Nitto tire giveaway at the end of the evening. You must be there to win!

      SPECIAL NOTE - For the Go Karting event Friday evening, it was mistakenly reported that the price was $25 for an hour of racing. The correct information is that $25 for 15 minutes of kart racing. We apologize for this inaccuracy. We still hope to see you there.

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