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    1. #101
      Join Date
      Aug 2002
      Country Flag: Sweden
      Quote Originally Posted by ryeguy2006a View Post
      I would be more interested in knowing a little more about the EFI system that you had for the your Pontiac engine. Is that MegaSquirt?
      It was an electromotive TECII. I wouldn't recommend it today though. There was nothing wrong with it, but the software was kind of aged.

      Quote Originally Posted by dug View Post
      beautiful machine work. I like this build, keep up the quality work.

      oh and your tire pressure looked a little low on one of those last pics
      I know about the tire pressure... I'm missing the Tire-pressure-analysis-add-in for my solid works, so I only get flat tires ;)

    2. #102
      Join Date
      Aug 2002
      Country Flag: Sweden
      Leigh; That's not a bad idea. I was out in the garage yesterday and tried it out. However, I think it'll be a little bit too much 60's era over it and that's not what I'm looking for.
      But it would look really really good on a first gen though!

    3. #103
      Join Date
      Feb 2005
      Sydney, Australia
      Country Flag: Australia
      Yeah, I'm a tragic for that 60-70's race car/GT look....lol.

      Sydney, Australia
      1971 Firebird 455


    4. #104
      Join Date
      Aug 2002
      Country Flag: Sweden
      The project is paused for the moment. I'm getting married next saturday and preparations has taken quite some time...
      I'll start with the car again within 3-4weeks or so. The plan is to finish the body as fast as possible so it can be sand blastered and primed. That'll probably boost the motivation some.

      To show that it's not completely dead, here's some pics:

      I'm working with the front suspension. Had to mock up some engine parts to see where it was possible to place A-arms etc.

      Rear bells are (almost) done. Hand made so it felt like it took forever. But they came out quite nice I think!

      Looking for a rack that's short enough. Of course I couldn't find anyone so I'll shorten one instead. So far I've spent 25 USD on it so it's quite a cheap rack if it works...

    5. #105
      Join Date
      Aug 2004
      Dunwoody, GA
      Country Flag: United States
      Congrats on tying the knot!

      "The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese."
      ~ Jon Hammond

      1979 WS6 Trans Am stock LT1/T56 drive train out of my Formula. BMW M-parallel rims. C5/C6 brakes

      build thread https://www.pro-touring.com/showthre...ghlight=begins

    6. #106
      Join Date
      Feb 2005
      Sydney, Australia
      Country Flag: Australia

      Sydney, Australia
      1971 Firebird 455


    7. #107
      Join Date
      Apr 2009
      Country Flag: United States
      Anders, just amazing work! Congrats on the marriage! It's incredible how far CAD has come in the last 25 yrs! I went to school to be an architect, and at the time, CAD was in DOS...this is much prettier to look at! Subscribed! By the way, we love Swedish cars in my family...have 2 240's and an S60......

      65 Vista Cruiser
      67 Delta 88 Vert
      70 Vista Cruiser Pro-Tour Project
      96 T-Bird
      69 BSA A65L
      48 Ford F5

    8. #108
      Join Date
      Jan 2008
      Houston, TX
      Country Flag: United States
      Quote Originally Posted by Ripper View Post
      Latest thing is that the lincoln hubs has been modified for the porsche bolt pattern.

      Stock hub;

      Of course, the hub was too small, so I had to add some extra material. There for a ring was made;

      The ring was heated and the hub was freezed to simplify the pressing...

      Take a deep breath, get the ring and put it in the press. After that, run and get the hub from the freezer and throw it on top of the ring and start pressing as fast as you can... I actually had to make three rings - the first one went wrong so I had to cut it of with the angle grinder...


      Hub after a while in the mill... Now there's BMW/GM and Porsche-pattern. There's also the possibility of running center bolt with both BMW/GM and Porsche. A Volvo/Lincoln pattern could also easily be added in the future if I want to...
      So, finding new wheels in the future won't be a problem, haha...

      Finished with a little paint on it;

      Of curse, I just HAD to try it on the wheel!

      (It's a front wheel. The rear wheels has 3,5" lips)


      I glass blasted the uprights and coated them with one layer of clearcoat to have the new-look lasting a little longer.

      I made a couple of bushings for the lower holes in the uprights;

      Brake cooling also had to be done before mounting the hub in the upright...

      This s@#* is insane!!!
      Asa Walker
      Houston, TX

    9. #109
      Join Date
      Apr 2001
      The Netherlands
      Country Flag: Netherlands
      great work again Anders! Congratulations on the marriage....
      1st 2nd
      Pro-Touring outside the USA !
      Martin's Camaro Page

    10. #110
      Join Date
      Aug 2002
      Country Flag: Sweden
      Thanks for all the congratulations! It was definitely the best day in my life! (Although the day I bought the Firebird wasn't too bad either... But she doesn't know that)
      I made a couple of subframeconnectors last week.

      A nice DIY-kit

      The profile was attached against the floor (still too long to fit between the subframe and the rear frame profile) and the cut line was marked on the floor with a sharpened piece of sheet metal.

      After the floor was cut, the length of the profile was trimmed.

      However, I was planning to have the seats bolted directly to the floor (two persons + weight of the seats - about 350-400 lbs... 2" higher up DOES make difference). Since the SFCs are there to prevent the body from crack and not give maximum stiffness (the roll cage will take care of that) I chose to cut them down slightly.

      The rear part of the subframe was boxed to get enough material for drilling holes for the bolts

      Picture of the reinforcement around the subframe

      Just before the SFCs were tacked to the body. The lowest point on the body is the SFCs together with the rocker panels

      Two subframeconnectors went actually quite fast to make. I would say about 10-12hrs including two trips to work for having some adjustments TIG-welded.
      I'm gonna weld them entirely when the body is in the rotisserie (which hopefully will be within two months)

      And now it's also possible to like my project on Facebook. If I get enough likes from people outside Sweden I'll start updating in english instead.

    11. #111
      Join Date
      Oct 2011
      Katy, Tx
      Country Flag: United States
      Very cool project... Awesome fab work.

    12. #112
      Join Date
      May 2007
      Baldwin city, kansas
      Any updates? This Car Is awesome man!!

    13. #113
      Join Date
      Aug 2002
      Country Flag: Sweden

      There has been some updates, but I'm on vacation right now (and the last weeks) so it hasn't been that much...

      Anyway, with all panels attached to the body, it went back in the rotisserie for final welding. I'm currently trying to find an alternative method to sand blasting of getting rid of all the paint and rust. Soda is popular in the states as I understand it, but it's not that easy to find the same method here in Sweden.

      Forget to trying to have some order on parts when you tear down a car in 260 square foot - Chaos is the only way to go...

      The frame for the fuel cell is layed out.

      I also bought a fuel cell for the trunk; The alu box was probably one of my worst deals ever... I cut and taped the box together to make it simple for the welder. He gave me a price of appr. 125 usd and two weeks time. After three months, I got it back and had to pay 450 usd since "it was harder than he thought"...
      After some discussion, I managed to negotiate welding for another couple of parts into that price though.

      At leat the welds looks good. Next time I need something welded, I'm thinking about getting my own TIG instead.

      The cell will be mounted like this;

      I had to tilt it 4º to not compromise the future diffuser too much. I'll loose about 1 gallon of volume, but that's ok.

      I've started to work with the front end, and for the moment I'm trying to get as many reference points into the CAD as possible. To be able to design engine mounts, I needed positions for the attachement holes in the CAD, so I started measuring...
      However, it's fun to build things in the CAD and I probably was a little overenthusiastic so it ended up with a complete engine block.

      And with a complete block, why not copy the heads too? It'll be useful when it's time to CAD the headers!

      The camber adjustment on the dedione was finished too before the rear end was taken of the body

      excentric, homemade bushing which offers 0-3º camber adjustment.

      I have alot of small things that I need to remove the rust from. Sand blasting these is one method, but sand blasting 300 nuts and bolts takes some time. Instead, I tried electrolysis (?) on some parts with a fascinatin result!


      After 6 hrs: (30 seconds cleaning with a steel brush)

      Now I just need to get a small basket to drop the bolts in... I'm doing it on my balcony, so it's easy to start a run after you get home from work and stop it a couple of hours later.

    14. #114
      Join Date
      Aug 2002
      Country Flag: Sweden
      Quote Originally Posted by ent72olds View Post
      Anders, just amazing work! Congrats on the marriage! It's incredible how far CAD has come in the last 25 yrs! I went to school to be an architect, and at the time, CAD was in DOS...this is much prettier to look at! Subscribed! By the way, we love Swedish cars in my family...have 2 240's and an S60......

      I actually learned to drive in a 245 DL. My parents car. I do miss it sometimes, but it's probably just the memories I miss after all, haha.

    15. #115
      Join Date
      Aug 2006
      Stockholm area-Sweden
      Country Flag: Sweden
      "Thanks for all the congratulations! It was definitely the best day in my life!" = Good answer incase wife find this thread. Now i can follow your progress at two communities. // Ramair #299(hint)

    16. #116
      Join Date
      Aug 2002
      Country Flag: Sweden
      Well, Darius... You seem to know how it works... ;)

    17. #117
      Join Date
      Aug 2004
      Dunwoody, GA
      Country Flag: United States
      I'm going to have to try electrolysis one of these days. Those parts came out looking good.

      "The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese."
      ~ Jon Hammond

      1979 WS6 Trans Am stock LT1/T56 drive train out of my Formula. BMW M-parallel rims. C5/C6 brakes

      build thread https://www.pro-touring.com/showthre...ghlight=begins

    18. #118
      Join Date
      Aug 2002
      Country Flag: Sweden
      Some new CAD-pics of the rear suspension...

      EDIT: High res could be found here http://www.propontiac.com/bakvagnsp0rn/ and even more high res could be e-mailed are available on request.

    19. #119
      Join Date
      Jan 2012
      Country Flag: United States
      Love this car, nice CAD work too!

    20. #120
      Join Date
      Dec 2005
      Birmingham, AL
      Country Flag: United States
      Other than your build, I have never seen a rear setup like that. What was the inspiration? The CAD is awesome and I love the detail.

      I know there is still a lot to be done before paint, but what color are you thinking? I think going back with red would look great with the gold wheels.

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