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    Results 81 to 100 of 110
    1. #81
      Join Date
      May 2005
      We now have have rear 3 point retractable for 66-72 Chevelle as well as 70-73 Camaro.
      Easy install. Has a mounting bracket under the rear shelf and it bolts into the roof and panel structure.


    2. #82
      Join Date
      Aug 2005
      Hamilton, NJ
      Country Flag: United States
      Quote Originally Posted by morrisclassic View Post
      We now have have rear 3 point retractable for 66-72 Chevelle as well as 70-73 Camaro.
      Easy install. Has a mounting bracket under the rear shelf and it bolts into the roof and panel structure.

      I just saw you have later model 2nd gen and 3rd gen belts now, that's great.

      What makes those 70-73 rear 3 points different than 74-81?
      Scott from NJ.

      Vent Windows Forever! ...

      Feather-light suspension, Konis just couldn't hold
      I'm so glad I took a look inside your showroom doors

    3. #83
      Join Date
      Dec 2012
      Country Flag: United States
      A lot of Morris belt fans here. To The Op, it looks like a wreck that one would want to forget. And I don't want to open old wounds , but an 80mph collision with a concrete wall mentioned, (lots of visual sheet metal damage, but motor still in place?) had to be at a big angle, or the wall was really thin (#3 hit a real wall fully belted in a 3500lb cage at a closing speed of 40mph? with a fatal outcome). Obviously these belts vs no belts saved a life(s). But few have mentioned other then offering acceptable sensitivity in locking in a crash, the 3 point belt really offers little restraint in other then a mainly forward motion. This is not to be counted on. Of course this is better then nothing or a simple lap belt, but really doesn't step up much MIO compared to say a typical modern 3 point belt. Convertible 3 point belt solutions are solved IMO by swapping OEM 3 point convertible seats, properly mounted. I think our cars AND drivers deserve more.

    4. #84
      Join Date
      Jun 2010
      Country Flag: United States
      Billy, good to hear. Sometime later this year I'll be looking for a set for Project Sabre

    5. #85
      Join Date
      May 2005
      The 70-73 bolt into the car in different places than the later model ones. Our seat belts are year and car specific to fit the floor pans and rear shelf and bracing in the rear trunk area.

    6. #86
      Join Date
      Aug 2005
      Hamilton, NJ
      Country Flag: United States
      Quote Originally Posted by morrisclassic View Post
      The 70-73 bolt into the car in different places than the later model ones. Our seat belts are year and car specific to fit the floor pans and rear shelf and bracing in the rear trunk area.
      Huh. I thought the package tray stamping was the same for all three years. Or is the lower mounting different?
      Scott from NJ.

      Vent Windows Forever! ...

      Feather-light suspension, Konis just couldn't hold
      I'm so glad I took a look inside your showroom doors

    7. #87
      Join Date
      May 2005
      We thought the rear shelf areas were the same also but that would be way too easy.
      The 67-68 are share one part . The 69 is a another part.
      The rear bracket will not interchange.

    8. #88
      Join Date
      Jul 2011
      Plano, Texas
      Country Flag: United States

      Do you have any pictures showing how the bracket mounts underneath on 67, 68, 69 Camaros? I really would like to put your 3 point harness in the rear of my car but have little hope you will ever make a kit for it. What are my options?
      Michael Mosley
      1968 Barracuda
      Plano, TX


    9. #89
      Join Date
      May 2005
      We haven't had much interest in the rear sets for Mopar.
      We have been selling the rear 3 point kits for 67-69 Camaros & Firebirds for a while now.
      Send me an e-mail at [email protected].
      I can send you a picture of the bracket installed. You can call us and I can explain in detail of the
      ease of installation and major strength mounting points.
      Look on our web page www.morrisclassicconcepts.com to see an installed set.
      Last edited by morrisclassic; 01-05-2014 at 07:11 AM. Reason: added text

    10. #90
      Join Date
      Jul 2010
      Monticello, MN
      Country Flag: United States
      Quote Originally Posted by morrisclassic View Post
      We haven't had much interest in the rear sets for Mopar.
      We have been selling the rear 3 point kits for 67-69 Camaros & Firebirds for a while now.
      Send me an e-mail at [email protected].
      I can send you a picture of the bracket installed. You can call us and I can explain in detail of the
      ease of installation and major strength mounting points.
      Look on our web page www.morrisclassicconcepts.com to see an installed set.
      Billy, I don't know if you noticed his signature line but I got the impression he may be looking to adapt Camaro belts to his Cuda. Just my $.02

    11. #91
      Join Date
      May 2005
      Actually at first I didn't pick up on it being a Mopar

      Thanks, Billy

    12. #92
      Join Date
      Aug 2004
      Paso Robles, CA
      Country Flag: United States
      Any chance there's group buy deals for the rears on my Camaro?

      I've already got the front sets and like those. But now it's time for rear 3-points.

    13. #93
      Join Date
      May 2005
      We can offer a Group Purchase just call us


    14. #94
      Join Date
      Jun 2010
      Country Flag: United States
      Quote Originally Posted by morrisclassic View Post
      We can offer a Group Purchase just call us

      I just recieved my my Morris belts and I admit...I'm a little skepticle to install them. The instructions sheet goes on and on about how Morris doesnt make the belts, they are not responsible for this and that and this and that....what the heck? That doesn't instill confidnece for me. Now if the belt instructions say "manufactured to this spec...meets this DOT or safety spec etc..etc...However...They are not responsible for improper installation or use outside designed criteria etc".
      1970 Camaro/DSE build

      Are you driver enough? Maybe....come on blue!

    15. #95
      Join Date
      May 2005
      When the instructions sheet says that "Morris Classic Concepts, LLC is not a manufacturer... and assumes no responsibility...," this is referring specifically to the actual seat belt webbing and reel. We have the individual components of our seat belts manufactured according to our design, and then assemble every seat belt kit before it leaves our facility, complete with the brackets and bolts. The manufacturer of the seat belts and reels run pull tests weekly to ensure quality and safety, as well as compliance with FMVSS standards. FMVSS requires seat belt webbing and reels to withstand up to 3,000 pounds of force, and ours consistently withstand 3,800 pounds of force (over 26% greater than standard).
      Also, our seat belt kits bolt into all of the factory mounting holes that GM, etc. used at the time of vehicle manufacturing and safety testing. We designed them to install this way to ensure the safest possible mounting locations, as GM, etc. did originally because of their safety data and testing at the time. Our seat belts are year and car specific so they bolt right into these holes.

      If you would like to see firsthand how our seat belts performed in an actual accident, there is a post with pictures on this forum written by a customer with a 1968 Camaro. You can read and see this article by going to the Pro-Touring homepage, clicking the tab "Forum", clicking on "Safety Equipment", and clicking on the link titled "Morris Seat Belts: Invest in your Safety."

      We personally know all of our manufacturers and have visited each facility to ensure maximum quality as well, and we can assure you that they are all as committed to your safety as we are at Morris Classic Concepts, LLC. The disclaimer included in our instructions is standard, and we are sorry it was confusing and led you to question our confidence in the safety of our seat belts. We are currently revising all of our instructions and disclaimers to make them more clear, easy to use, and detailed. We are also going to include the quality testing that our seat belts undergo (as I included above in this message) to instill more confidence in our customers as well.

      Thank you for contacting us about your concerns, and if you would like any more information about the installation or manufacturing of our seat belts, please feel free to contact our office during regular business hours, Monday through Friday from 8am-5pm EST. Our office number is (864) 987-0032.


    16. #96
      Join Date
      Apr 2010
      Pittsburgh, PA
      Quote Originally Posted by morrisclassic View Post
      We can offer a Group Purchase just call us

      I plan to buy a set for my 72 skylark
      I'm imagine the 67-72 chevelle and 68-72 gto kit are the same?

      Also how would I go about getting a front 3point for a 73 ford maverick? mustang kit my best bet?
      72 buick skylark
      twin-turbo fuel injected buick 350..perhaps stroked to 370 in the works!

    17. #97
      Join Date
      May 2005
      Yes the Chevelle set will fit
      The Mustang belts bolt in the floor side panel.
      One bolt in the top.

      Thank You, Billy

    18. #98
      Join Date
      Nov 2007
      How is the 70-73 Camaro different than the 74-81, I thought the mounting points and package trays are the same???
      69 Camaro Redfire, thanks to
      Marquez Design | Ring Brothers

    19. #99
      Join Date
      Apr 2013
      Country Flag: United States
      I have a 69 Firebird convertible, do you offer the three point belts for our application,would need them in blue. Please PM with availability, pricing and delivery timeframe. Thank You.

      Tim john---

    20. #100
      Join Date
      May 2005
      Our seat belts are year and car specific.
      We have never tried them in a later year as we sell the ones for 74-81.
      The replacement ones don;t bolt onto the package shelf.
      Our 3 point rear seat belts have a bracket that bolts under the package tray for supporting the reel.

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