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    1. #61
      Join Date
      Jul 2010
      Monticello, MN
      Country Flag: United States
      Quote Originally Posted by morrisclassic View Post
      If your car was made after Feb 66 it probably has the top mounting holes for the shoulder harness.
      If I can provide any info call us at 864-987-0032
      Does that comment include Camaros or was it directed to the Impala? I was curious what is involved in install in a 68 Camaro. Does it require professional installation by a real interior shop to be done right?

    2. #62
      Join Date
      May 2005

      3 Pt, Retractable seat belts

      Yes we make them for your Camaro.
      We make seat belts that are year and car specific. The seat belts arrive to you assembled, you just bolt them into all of the factory mounting locations.
      Just about anyone that does general maintenance on a vehicle can install our seat belts.
      The install usually can be completed in an hour. Our seat belts are a direct bolt in and also
      comfortable to wear.

    3. #63
      Join Date
      Jul 2010
      Monticello, MN
      Country Flag: United States

      I guess I was most concerned about the removing or trimming the headliner and I didn't realize there was an existing tie-in point for the shoulder strap.

    4. #64
      Join Date
      Oct 2007
      Country Flag: United States
      Does anyone have pictures of the rear install in a 69? I'm trying to put them in and can't seem to figure out how the reel mounts to the undertray bracket. The instructions say something about using a 1/2" hole as a guide and a support that comes off the side pillar, but I can't make any sense of that. Visuals would be great so I can finish this up.

    5. #65
      Join Date
      Apr 2001
      Central CA USA
      Country Flag: United States
      You can feel the hole through the headliner material. Hopefully someone has a photo they can post.
      67 Camaro RS that will be faster than anything Mary owns.

    6. #66
      Join Date
      Oct 2007
      Country Flag: United States
      Quote Originally Posted by David Pozzi View Post
      You can feel the hole through the headliner material. Hopefully someone has a photo they can post.
      Thanks David,
      that will help to see where the top bracket for the front belts go (which I also need to find!), but I'm looking for help on the rear shelf reel install. This is for the rear 3 point belts. It seems not many people have put these in yet. I just took a couple shots to show what I'm talking about. How does the reel go? I'm guessing that I have the reel positioned correctly in the photo and I just need to drill the hole, but not sure.
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      Also, why are both the reel and the lower female buckle attached such that the belt has to twist to face the right way? Seems like they should both face the other way. The instructions specifically say to face the belt webbing to the rear though. Anyone?
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    7. #67
      Join Date
      May 2005
      The seat belt buckle will be on the inside and it shouldn't have a twist in it.
      The 1/2 " hole needs to be drilled where you have the hex head bolt at now.
      The 5/16 hex head bolt goes in the lower fender well brace.Hope this helps I sent a private message. The way to install these are to mount the bracket under the shelf into one of the existing holes then use the hex head bolt to bolt the bottom of the bracket into the inner brace, existing hole.
      Then mark your 1/2" hole remove the bracket and drill, reinstall the bracket with the two 5/16 bolts .Lay the white spacer over the 1/2 "hole and install the shelf panel. Insert the 1/2 " bolt thru the seat belt reel, rear shelf ,spacer & rear panel & bracket then tighten.

    8. #68
      Join Date
      Oct 2007
      Country Flag: United States
      OK, that makes sense. That would leave the reel positioned with the webbing coming straight out the front. Is that correct?

      And I'll flip the bottom inside part over. It just looked wrong because of the way the thing is angled where the belt is attached.

    9. #69
      Join Date
      Jun 2010
      Country Flag: United States
      I looked on summitracing's website, but didn't notice the difference between these two kits:



      Also I assume that both of these (listed for a 1971 Chevelle) will also fit a 1971 Cutlass?

    10. #70
      Join Date
      Oct 2007
      Country Flag: United States
      I got all 4 belts installed finally. The fronts were a piece of cake compared to the rears. And now that I know how the rears go in, I could do it a lot quicker. I had to have been in and out of the trunk upside down at least 2 dozen times! Anyway, very nice product, no mods needed, everything fit just right. Pics to come for anyone else wanting to do this.

      BTW - any tips on getting the rear seat bottom back in?? I can't see what actually drops down into the hooks.

    11. #71
      Join Date
      May 2005
      Yes the seat belts will fit a Cutlass as they are the same body style as a Chevelle.
      The part number with the GM in it has the GM Mark of Excellence emblem in the center of the buckle.


    12. #72
      Join Date
      Jun 2010
      Country Flag: United States
      Billy, thank you for the quick response and the call. So the other part number is plain without an emblem?

    13. #73
      Join Date
      May 2005
      Yes the standard buckle is chrome with a starburst in the center. The GM emblem is a cast emblem that is attached to the center of the buckle by the manufacture.

      Thank You

    14. #74
      Join Date
      Apr 2010
      Portland, OR
      Morris sent you a pm...
      1973 Firebird 466 Pontiac, T56, C5 Brakes, PTFB and Hotchkis suspension
      2011 Camaro SS Supercharged, ZL1 body and brakes, Z28 suspension.

    15. #75
      Join Date
      May 2005
      Yes I just read it , Call me. I will resolve the problem, Billy

    16. #76
      Join Date
      Feb 2010
      Country Flag: United States
      Do you have anything for my 66 GTO?

      I put in 06 GTO seats which have the buckle attached to the seats so I can either use that or remove it and go back to the floor mount. I also have removed the headliner and don't have the mounting provisions in the roof so I will have to weld a plate in.

      As for the rears I'm going to be running the 06 GTO rear seats as well, let me know if you guys have anything for my application and a price.


      66 GTO LY6/4l80e

      Build Thread on LS1tech

    17. #77
      Join Date
      Jun 2009
      Cumming, GA
      A set of 3 point belts are a must....I purchased a set from Billy Morris early this year and my only regret is that I did not find Morris Classic Concepts earlier. I did not even realize 67 Camaro's had the mounting hole for the shoulder belt. Billy was very helpful in helping me find the location point under my new headliner. For all of those that have not planned their builds with upgraded seatbelts, fire safety, rollbars and so on please do so. As we push our cars more and more you can be assured it's just a matter of time before an incident will happen...a great set of 3 point belts is clearly a good start over the simple lap belt.

      Ok...I'm buckling up and going for a North GA ride....later.


    18. #78
      Join Date
      Feb 2006
      Enumclaw, WA
      Country Flag: United States
      MCBMatt has them for $265 shipped right now! Look under sponsor deals...

      1970 Chevelle Pro-Touring Project
      Plans- 6.0L H/C (TT later), T56, UMI suspension, Kore3 C6 Z06 brakes, and lots more....

    19. #79
      Join Date
      Feb 2010
      Country Flag: United States
      Quote Originally Posted by LSxChevelle View Post
      MCBMatt has them for $265 shipped right now! Look under sponsor deals...

      Thanks for the heads up, I'm going to have to place my order!

      66 GTO LY6/4l80e

      Build Thread on LS1tech

    20. #80
      Join Date
      Jun 2010
      Country Flag: United States
      I placed my order with Kim at MCB, and am very pleased!

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