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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Jan 2000
      Thousand Oaks California
      Country Flag: United States

      Thank you for your contributions. We're out of the fire, but not out of the woods.

      Thank You For Your Help

      We're out of the fire, but not out of the woods - here's what's going on:

      Where We Were

      First of all, I want to give one big massive thank you to the Pro-Touring.com community from the bottom of my heart, for showing up and helping out as a result of our recent email, where I spoke rather candidly about the site being at risk of not making it past SEMA this year. It was quite a sticky spot.

      Where We Are

      Your generous contributions have averted that impending disaster, and have allowed us to claw ourselves out of that situation, including being able to get some much needed upgrades to the site, including moving to a necessary new server (as our previous one was on years-old software that couldn't be upgraded and was no longer receiving security updates), which was one of the factors that led to the emergency.

      While we're now out of the thick of it - and I have the awesome members of this community to thank for that - we're not out of the woods yet.

      Where We're Going

      Even though we're aiming and actively working to get more advertiser support for the site, it's quite clear that for the moment, Pro-Touring.com will rely on donations to keep going.

      In that regard, I wanted to share a few ways that if you want to, you can support the site and help keep it running into the future:


      If you haven't yet donated (or would at any point like to donate in the future), please click here to visit the donation page (or click the button below), and donate any amount you can. Every bit helps.


      If you know somebody explicitly who hasn't been around a while (so they may not have seen the email or been on the site) but who you know is/was involved in the Pro-Touring community, please consider reaching out to them and sharing a bit of info & the link to donate (maybe forwarding the email or this thread). A personal message goes a long way.


      If you're active on any socials, sharing a bit of information about our donation drive (pun pun pun) could really help us. Recently, Steve Chryssos & Suzy Bauter shared such a post and the positive response really helped. Even if you don't have as many followers/fans/whatevers on social media, just the right people could see it by you posting something, and make a big difference.

      Here's an example post if you'd like to use it:

      Pro-Touring.com could use your help. If you've got any value from the community over the years, please consider donating to keep the site going - I've already donated, here's where to give if you can too: https://donate.pro-touring.com/
      Whatever you write (or if you send a message personally to someone you know), please make sure to have the donation link in there: https://donate.pro-touring.com/

      Thank You

      We're grateful for any assistance you can provide, and I again want to thank dearly everybody who has helped so far in whatever way they can, it has all made such a huge difference to the site!

      Thank you again, so much, for all you've all done so far, and for anything you can do to help going forward.

      - Larry Callahan
      Last edited by Larry Callahan; 10-24-2024 at 01:24 PM.
      Larry Callahan
      Founder/Administrator of Pro-Touring.com, G-Machines.com and HostMyJunk.com
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