I'm sure this has been discussed a million times, but I dont know how to get my Photos to show up in a new thread. I'm putting the HTML in the Post but the pictures dont show up, only the HTML. Is this not how it is done, sorry for my lack of knowledge.

What am I doing wrong?

<a href='https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNicnlWDlR8qBaymSq1A__RBFNg41X66YGEwDBPa61OHL fz9gu7URH2z40fjp237Q?key=UEhwc1JVYUdhTC02VklHNndYS zUzdEFpd2Q0R1Fn&source=ctrlq.org'><img src='https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/jl1cjZkx4OIQNOS4Z_16cG4SqoboTHrmX2j9aEduoV24Q_MyPP BJhnbczYVbfOC9wAYxGWFKjUQHazmpf0AiH9_pwZoY5sCBcdfY 44jXBRatuzpi9vtOzyP-ehf5N2wrxTA1dkHUJw=w2400' /></a>