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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Oct 2004
      Macon, Ga.
      Country Flag: United States

      2014 Heidts Performance Car Challenge wrap up

      This event is now in the books. I can't say enough about the facility and staff at Autobahn Country Club and our partners in this event, the crew from Heidts.
      Wal and Mike and their crew worked overtime and went overboard to be sure this year's event was the best ever. We were able to run both the North and South tracks, and what a treat to get to experience both tracks. Jet Hot had Mike Johnson and his evolution crew there on Saturday for their autocross school and I had several people come up and thank me for that school. About 15 people took advantage of the free school and spent Saturday under instruction. The rest of the participants took turns on the course and at the Wilwood Speed Stop Challenge. The only complaint I heard all day was with three run groups, running 20 minute sessions, report time to be on grid came too quickly. Those are the type complaints I like, it shows we are offering what we promise and what people have come to expect from ASCS. I am south of Lexington now headed home but will get all the results posted by tomorrow. I won't bore you with stats, if you are so inclined, you can figure them out for yourself, but we did run 50 cars hard all weekend, with the only carnage I know of was one engine (sorry Lil John), one clutch, one alternator and one transponder. Fabulous party on Saturday night, sponsored by Forgeline and a big vendor row with many new and excited companies enjoying the venue. An added bonus to this event is the car show on Saturday. With the weather as good as it was this weekend in the Chicago area, those guys were out in force and I think there were 135 show cars. We gave them several parade laps during our regular lunch break, and those guys were thrilled to get to ride around the course.
      Again, hats off to Heidts, Wal, Mike and crew and the fine folks at Autobahn. You guys made us look good and made our job easy.

      Last edited by Bill Howell; 06-02-2014 at 06:19 AM.

      Trailers are for BOATS!

    2. #2
      Join Date
      May 2006
      Barrington, IL 60010
      Country Flag: United States
      I just wanted to chime-in and concur with Bill...this event ran very smoothly with plenty of track time for all. All four (4) event segments were great and that is a tribute to the hard work put in by Bill and his ASCS staff along with Wal and his Heidt's staff. A special thanx goes out to all of the sponsors, as we all know that without them events like this wouldn't happen.

      The only thing that detract from a truly great day was the Blackhawks overtime loss in the evening. :-(

      Kudos to all that organized this fine event and to all who participated. I personally met a lot of new people I had not met previously...which always makes it a better experience.

      'Wicked Witch'...1969 Camaro, Mast Motorsports LS-3, Magnum T-56, DSE suspension & BFG Rival-S on Forgeline wheels.
      A herd of stock #'s-matching '69 Camaros.

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Dec 2011
      Bolingbrook, IL
      Country Flag: United States
      Way to go Bill, Heidts, and the Autobaun for another great event.
      It was a pleasure to help you and your staff out this weekend and look forward to next year!


    4. #4
      Join Date
      Apr 2001
      Rockford Illinois
      Country Flag: United States
      Thank you Bill and Wal and everyone who made it all happen. It was another awesome weekend. It didn't rain until we left the door of the awards ceremony and then the drops were as big as lug nuts.
      The Cormaro survived another thrashing and made it home. The new ridetech rear shocks were doing the job well and with all of the little things left to do the car still performs.
      It was good to see everyone and get to share the great time that is the best of what things can be even when they are bad.

      I can't wait for next year!
      May The Horsepower Be With You !!!

    5. #5
      Join Date
      Nov 2011
      Joliet, Illinois
      Country Flag: United States
      Great event, are the results posted anywhere ?

    6. #6
      Join Date
      May 2006
      Barrington, IL 60010
      Country Flag: United States
      Autocross is posted on ASCS website. Other events soon to be posted as well, I assume.


      'Wicked Witch'...1969 Camaro, Mast Motorsports LS-3, Magnum T-56, DSE suspension & BFG Rival-S on Forgeline wheels.
      A herd of stock #'s-matching '69 Camaros.

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