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    Results 181 to 182 of 182
    1. #181
      Join Date
      Apr 2001
      The City of Fountains
      Country Flag: United States

      Thanks for the detailed dimensional sheets!

      Have you seen any of these used with a stock A-body frame? Any suggestions there?

      1970 GTO Version 3.0
      1967 Cougar build
      GM High-Tech Performance feature
      My YouTube Channel Please Subscribe!
      Instagram @dr__efi
      I deliver what EFI promises.
      Remote Holley EFI tuning.
      Please get in touch if I can be of service.

      "You were the gun, your voice was the trigger, your bravery was the barrel, your eyes were the bullets." ~ Her

    2. #182
      Join Date
      May 2007
      Las Vegas
      Country Flag: United States
      This was the data I was looking for... (and should be on the AME website)
      1969 Camaro (in hibernation)
      1972 K5 Blazer - LQ9, 4L80e, NP205, D60, AAM 14BFF => http://67-72chevytrucks.com/vboard/s...d.php?t=423432

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