Forum: The Classifieds
Sub-Forums Threads / Posts Last Post
-Discuss and organize group purchases in this forum. Please note: Out of respect for our paid advertisers, only said individuals will be allowed to conduct group purchases.
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 1,064
- Posts: 8,300
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- Please use this forum to post any items that you may have for sale. Note: please review our forum rules if you are considering selling any questionable items. In addition this if for our members. Please do not try to sell items for friends. This is not Craigs List.
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 2,434
- Posts: 14,701
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- Please use this forum to post any items that you may have for sale. Note: please review our forum rules if you are considering selling any questionable items. In addition this if for our members. Please do not try to sell items for friends. This is not Craigs List.
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 10,515
- Posts: 55,595
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- Please use this forum to post any automotive related items that you are looking for.
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 2,292
- Posts: 6,474
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- Please use this forum to post any cars you are looking for.
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 310
- Posts: 1,270
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-Use this forum to discuss classifieds, find out what your car is worth, or to just get an idea of the current market.
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 447
- Posts: 2,252
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- This moderated forum has been provided as a service to our members. It will provide a searchable database of positive and negative feedback related to Sponsor Vendors / Non-Sponsor Vendors / Private Sellers. The endorsements and criticisms contained therein are the sole opinion of the original posters and respondents and do not reflect the opinion of it's ownership or staff unless expressly stated. In other words, Caveat Emptor.
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 292
- Posts: 1,460
Last Post:
-Looking for talented workers for your pro-touring or automotive business? Seeking employment in a pro-touring or automotive business? Use this forum to inquire about pro-touring employment opportunities or find new employees.
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 121
- Posts: 316
Last Post:
-Are you in the automotive Industry? Do you need a new employee? Place your ad here. has already been helpful in finding employees for several members.
Forum Actions:
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 87
- Posts: 184
Last Post:
-In need of a job in the automotive industry? Post a little info here and who knows, you might wind up finding the greatest job you ever had.
Forum Actions:
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 34
- Posts: 132
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