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    • The Farrington Family

      <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/vwF7zwFlKuk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

      Though many have probably already seen his video as it spread virally through social media, we wanted to share it on pro-touring.com
      For anyone who has ever met this family, they are absolutely an amazing group of people. I had the joy of sharing a couple years on the show circuit with them and look forward to any time I get to send with these amazing people. This is truly what our sport is all about.

      We look forward to seeing the Farrington Family make their way to OUSCI this year with Debbie behind the wheel of their Chevelle Wagon. If you are wondering how to get into OUSCI, check out the Gateway event coming in the next up in the next couple weeks. If Gateway is not close by, check out USCA's complete schedule to see if there's an event near you. Trust us, you won't regret it.

      Once again congrats to Debbie and her family and please show them some love by watching the video

      USCA Gateway Registration: http://ultimatestreetcarassociation....il-july-18-20/
      USCA Event Schedule: http://driveusca.com/events/

      #becausestreetcar #driveusca #protouring

      This article was originally published in forum thread: The Farrington Family makes an impression at USCA Road America started by Trackside View original post
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