View Full Version : Any of you guys part of a non profit organization

10-22-2012, 01:48 PM
I wanted to see if any of you guys are part of any non profit orgranizations and actively do work in them. Just looking for some information. Thanks

Bill Howell
10-22-2012, 04:58 PM
What do you need to know.

10-22-2012, 05:00 PM
I am the president of one (our club is non-profit). But we are all volunteers, nobody gets paid...

10-22-2012, 07:22 PM
Im looking to help the local kids that truely need assistance by providing them with tools to give them the opportunity to be something great. Im tired of seeing non profits that have all these administrative fees and nothing really goes to the people that need it most.

10-22-2012, 07:26 PM
What Ill do is spend sometime researching the local non profits and see if I can sponsor some familys thru their organization.

Bill Howell
10-22-2012, 08:11 PM
Check out your local Rotary Clubs, they are all volunteers and keep none of the money. It depends on how you are wanting to help, but I would look for something local to you not a national company. Only Salvation Army IMO spends most of donations on needs, not payrolls.

10-23-2012, 05:32 AM
Yes my business is "non-profit". I would be glad to help you overspend your money!

All kidding aside our local Corvette club has given almost $20K/yr some years to local charities. All the money was made through club events or working pro ball game concession stands. As much fun as "giving" should be this subject has produced some of the most bitter arguments within the club.

That argument always revolves around the same question "Who's Gonna Get the Money"????

EVERYBODY has "their" favorite charity that is more deserving than "your" favorite charity!

Just be prepared for all the chaos that WILL arise IF you are involved in a group of more than 1 person who is making the decisions!

My wife and I find several families every Christmas to "sponsor" with donations of clothes/toys based upon the families needs. We get information on the families from the local community center serving a particular area of town we wish to support. The centers give us the families name, wants, needs and we help to provide support to make Christmas happen for that family. We always deliver the items to the family directly with the support/help of the community center. That way you know everything goes to the family. We also donate a lot of older new toys that have not sold or older merchandise to a different community center in the Smoky Mountains most ever year so that kids can have a new toy @ Christmas. We let the community centers distribute the toys as they see the need.

Our donations are more personal in that regard versus providing "tools" to help a person improve themselves. There are lot's of caring people and organizations that will be more than happy to receive your support and knowledge.

10-23-2012, 09:20 PM
Thanks vintageracer thats exactly what Im looking to do. I want to deal with the families directly knowing everything goes to the family.

10-23-2012, 09:42 PM
I work in a vocational highschool and we have a NPO that we started for a fellow shop instructor who passed away. We give cash to any student going to a postsecondary college. They have to write a essay and we have a board decide which student recieves it. We also do a little elves thing during christmas. Our guidance department has all the list of family's that are in need and we deliever right to the house the day before christmas and thanksgiving. Everything goes to the family's. I would contact your local tech school or highschool and talked to guidance. Nomatter what you do your heart is in the right place.. good luck