View Full Version : question regarding reproduction interior parts

06-05-2012, 05:06 AM
Hey guys/gals.

I recently purchased a set of arm rest bases and pads for my 72 Chevelle from a reproduction vendor. You can clearly tell that both the bases and the pads started out black and were painted drk green to match(in sorts) to the interior that is in my car....

My question is this, Is it normal practice for reproduction vendors to do this? Or should I be looking to use a different company? I was rather bummped when I noticed this. The whole setup stinks like paint and is still black on the back side with a sticker that clearly indicates "black arm base"

Thank you,

-Matthew Kuehn

MCB Matt
07-12-2012, 10:20 AM
They come fully molded in the color you order, whoever you got them from painted them! They should NOT stink like paint!!!