View Full Version : Top Gear USA Season 1 thoughts

01-16-2011, 08:21 PM
Well, as apprehensive as I was about the American rehash, after watching all but the finale (next week), I have to say I have truly enjoyed it.

I know that many (if not all) of the bits were direct copies of their UK originals, but after 10 shows, I think that the relationships between the hosts came into their own and the comedy was becoming pretty well delivered.

What are your thoughts on how season 1 has been? I really hope it is brought back next year.

01-16-2011, 08:31 PM
Nothing can be liek the UK version, I wish they were a little fresher on their ideas, I think the choice of Hosts are a bit suspect, but over all not bad for a first try

01-16-2011, 09:41 PM
I still say they should have used Adam Carolla. He's hilarious and actually loves cars

01-16-2011, 10:10 PM
I think different hosts would have been better. Thats really what made the UK show so great. I really don't like the fact they copied everything that was already done almost exactly, but different people may have made it better.

I feel a bit differently, I think the show lost substance as it went on. The hosts seemed even more drab and just reciting their lines. I didn't see the comedy at all. I saw the attempts at comedy, but it was so rehersed feeling, I didnt like it.

I really like the fact that the US has another show dedicated to cars, but honestly, I hope they cancel it and put their effort back into the UK one.

If they do bring it back to the US, get rid of adam and rutledge. Put in some real car loving people who get excited about and actually understand cars.

So, I vote get rid of it and return the uk version. if its the only version we can have, keep it, but change it up.

01-17-2011, 12:46 AM
horrendous show compared to the BBC one. Sadly the BBC one is finished.

01-17-2011, 06:48 AM
The chemistry between Clarkson, Hammond and May is what makes the UK version so great to watch. Probably even more than it just being a car show. This US version tried to mimic the same chemistry, but it is so blatantly fake that it's kinda painful for me to watch. Also, if you've ever seen any other shows with Tanner Faust.... ok, I just dislike the guy. I watched one episode and I was done.

I have seen every episode of Top Gear (UK) right after it premiered in the UK. I think what they show on BBC America is edited a bit and it's always behind the real season in the UK.

horrendous show compared to the BBC one. Sadly the BBC one is finished.

Unless this is the last season (which I haven't heard), this is not true. First Episode of Top Gear season 16 is going to be on Jan 23rd.

01-17-2011, 07:33 AM
I think they did a pretty decent job (Say a "B-" grade), sure the story lines, camera work, scripts were copied from the brits, and the hosts are never as good as the original, but it made for good entertainment after a few shows. The alaska run was pretty cool, I'd love to do the same thing.

I just wish they used a real track for a test track, not a bunch of cones on an old airfield that is a lot dirtier, dusty compared to even what the brits use. (and the copy of the stig was just lame, mix it up please!)

01-17-2011, 07:44 AM
It's one of the only automotive shows I will skip over on the direct TV menu. The hosts are unbearable.

406 Q-ship
01-17-2011, 08:32 AM
I think they did a pretty decent job (Say a "B-" grade), sure the story lines, camera work, scripts were copied from the brits, and the hosts are never as good as the original, but it made for good entertainment after a few shows. The alaska run was pretty cool, I'd love to do the same thing.

I just wish they used a real track for a test track, not a bunch of cones on an old airfield that is a lot dirtier, dusty compared to even what the brits use. (and the copy of the stig was just lame, mix it up please!)

You know that dirty dusty airfield with a bunch of cones is the same place and way that RTTC is....right?

01-17-2011, 08:46 AM
I am eagerly awaiting season 2.

It is unfair to campare the US version to the current UK version; has anyone seen the first few seasons of the Uk version? They are worse than the first US season! The UK version didn't start with the 3 hosts we have now either...

Scott Parkhurst
01-17-2011, 10:04 AM
I'd like the US version a lot more if I didn't like the BBC version so much. By itself, it's entertaining.

The US version is a fine show. I do like it, but I LOVE the UK version.

I will give it time to mature, though. It's got potential.

01-17-2011, 10:32 AM
You know that dirty dusty airfield with a bunch of cones is the same place and way that RTTC is....right?

serious? Come east for the RTTS - we get to use a real road course with curbing, run off area that isn't tumbleweed, all that fancy stuff! :)

01-17-2011, 11:27 AM
I am eagerly awaiting season 2.

It is unfair to campare the US version to the current UK version; has anyone seen the first few seasons of the Uk version? They are worse than the first US season! The UK version didn't start with the 3 hosts we have now either...

I think it's hard to say not to compare them when every episode was mimicking the UK version, there are 3 hosts, a stig, star in a reasonably priced car, ect. The first episodes of the recent top gear seasons (2002+) weren't that bad.

I think the US is just doomed to always have corny automotive TV. Car and Driver.. Motortrend... TruckU... Chasing Classic Car's isn't too bad, but it's just more reality TV.

I miss pimp my ride, lol.

01-17-2011, 11:27 AM
I still say they should have used Adam Carolla. He's hilarious and actually loves cars

Look for a new show soon on Speed starring the Ace-man. From what he has revealed on his podcast, they have started shooting and it sounds kinda like a competitor to Top Gear USA.

Nothing can compete with Top Gear UK.

01-17-2011, 11:37 AM
The biggest problem with the US version is that the hosts are clearly reading off teleprompters or from scripts. There is nothing spontaneous about it, which is a big problem with all US-based car shows.

Of the three, I like Rutledge Wood the most. He seems to have some personality and is having a good time. I find it hard to believe that Adam Ferrara is a stand-up comic based on his stiff, lifeless presence. I actively dislike Tanner Foust - he just comes across as an unfunny, self-important *******.

However, all of them lack any sort of chemistry. It's actually painful to watch.

01-17-2011, 01:10 PM
My answer: Above average, improving, and shows potential.

I have to admit, several of the previous comments mirror my thoughts about the lifeless personalities, and then at times
there seems to be a glimmer of hope for the show.
Sometimes I think the only reason Tanner still gets the job is the he has some impressive driving skills, but his
on-camera personality is bland a lot of times, and awkward often.
I still hate the celebrity drive-off because of the cute-ute.
Several of the segments have been pretty interesting though, I just hope they find their own formula.

01-17-2011, 01:32 PM
If you wanted the car loving funny guy mixture duplicated, here are ypour 3 hosts:
Adam Corolla
Jay Leno
Christopher Titus

Imagine those 3 on camera. Scripts be damned.

01-17-2011, 01:36 PM
From what I've seen, I enjoy it for what it is. I'll continue to watch.

01-17-2011, 01:56 PM
Season 2, US version, canceled, inside source. I wish it would come back, I disliked the first few episodes but it eventually grew on me. Like the original 10 years ago, it was horrible at first w/ the Black dressed STIG, but like anything, I grew to luv it. Furthermore, I would like to see the Russian and Australian versions of Top Gear that on now.

01-17-2011, 02:01 PM
Really? well that sucks. I guess all the one's who poo poo'd it are happy now. There's nothing...

It should at least has some time to mature and develop with a 2nd season..

01-17-2011, 03:34 PM
Well, if it is cancelled, that sux..but Adam Corrolla? Really? That guy's "I'm awesome and your not" attitude would destory the show. He was funny on the man show, but even then he kind of made my skin crawl with his over-the-top "I am Awesome" ego.

01-17-2011, 03:48 PM
It started coming around towards the end. It takes time to build the needed chemistry between the hosts and for everyone to be comfortable in front of the camera. I think if they had a second season it would eventually be a decent show.

01-17-2011, 04:49 PM
I thought their romp through Alaska was hilarious! I really liked that episode.

01-17-2011, 05:04 PM
Jalopnik says it's not canceled


01-17-2011, 05:48 PM
Well, if it is cancelled, that sux..but Adam Corrolla? Really? That guy's "I'm awesome and your not" attitude would destory the show. He was funny on the man show, but even then he kind of made my skin crawl with his over-the-top "I am Awesome" ego.

I totally disagree. If you have spent time at all listening to him on air or in person, he consideres himself anything but a celelbrity. He has had a vast collection of interesting cars and has connections to Leno, Titus, etc. Personally I think the man show was his worst showing. Hell, he was funny on dancing with the stars!

01-17-2011, 06:22 PM
The first couple of episode where horrible, but as it went on, it got better and better... I like this last one about the trucks, I thought it was pretty believable and funny..

01-17-2011, 08:20 PM
Titus and Carolla are great thoughts. I thought it got much better from the first episode to the last with plenty of room for improvement. The finale was pretty good.

01-18-2011, 05:46 AM
The first show was painful to watch, but as it went on got better and better. After this Alaska episode, I think that the show has shown it has potential. For them to not ride this out to a second season would be a huge mistake.

01-18-2011, 07:31 AM
I just watched the Alaska show, that was funny. Their "sleeping quaters" was a little ruff to say the least, but beating the crap out of old trucks with friends would be a blast.

I too would rather the host just talk and have fun, rather than read the script. I would have liked it to come back for a second season.

01-18-2011, 03:23 PM
I really hope the producers have changed their mind and we have a season two. With the U.S. Top Gear road course at El Toro Field, where we do RTTC, it would to cool to have them set the course up.... Wishfull thinking but I do have the in...

01-18-2011, 04:02 PM
Jalopnik says it's not canceled


Yes, but that was from about 2 years ago. :)


01-18-2011, 07:20 PM
So, not dicrediting YJ, but aside from an "inside source", we really have no confirmation that TGUSA is canceled for Season 2?

01-19-2011, 08:55 PM
Adam Corolla
Chris Titus
and some cool hot chick that knows a lot about cars and can drive the heck out of them, Does that exist??? if so just give her a show...

01-20-2011, 03:58 AM
I agree with the Adam Corolla, Chris Titus and Jay Leno idea, but Jay would never do it, they couldn't afford him. I'm sure he'd be a guest every time they changed the car out. He was a good guest on Top Gear though. I bet Tim allen could pull in a good crowd as the third, though his driving doesn't seem quite spectacular. Tony Hawk might actually make a damn good third host, he's a bit quieter like May, but he can seriously drive and isn't overly obnoxious.

Can we nominate a new stig? I bet Mary would get a kick out of it, but having a female that can drive that well would be a bit of a give-away, hearing "Stick you Bitch!!!" from the studio while she's driving would pretty much end the mystery completely.

Mike Holleman
01-20-2011, 06:46 AM
I'm not so sure the hosts are a problem. They have grown on me. The producers and writers may be the problem. They seem to be hung up on silly themes. "Racing" each other from LA to Vegas. Really? This is a show about cars. Stick to what has worked with the original or toss it in the can. And stop having these guys drive 180 mph with no safety gear. Put a damn helmet on them. We know what they look like.

01-21-2011, 01:18 PM
"Racing" each other from LA to Vegas. Really? This is a show about cars.

Doesn't sound like you've ever watched the original.

01-23-2011, 12:01 AM
I'm not so sure the hosts are a problem. They have grown on me. The producers and writers may be the problem. They seem to be hung up on silly themes. "Racing" each other from LA to Vegas. Really? This is a show about cars. Stick to what has worked with the original or toss it in the can. And stop having these guys drive 180 mph with no safety gear. Put a damn helmet on them. We know what they look like.

all that stuff is pretty much exactly like the original show.. every "challenge" is a race of some kind- Clarkson racing a Bugatti Veyron against May and Hamster in a single engine airplane across France to Britain or Hamster with a dogsled team racing Clarkson and May in a Toyota Hi-Lux truck to the North Pole..

01-23-2011, 09:26 AM
The only guy I liked was Tanner Foust, but that's because I've met him in real life at a Formula D race at Infineon Raceway. Tanner Foust is the best out of all those guys, and has other shows, and actually loves cars.

The other two guys, Rutledge and whatever, are a couple of dumbasses with no brains, and who bore the hell out of you. Their SOLE purpose is to be there to lose to Tanner Foust in the challenges.

01-24-2011, 09:50 PM
I am really mixed. I was excited till I seen it then blah. Never really liked it but it was growing on me. Maybe next year. The best thing about it is they don't spend the first minute after every commercial showing you the last 5 minutes before the commercial. Man I hate that stupid chit.

01-25-2011, 07:11 AM
I really hope there is another season. Any time you compare a rehash of anything to the original, it is going to suck by comparison. Those doing so need to think about it on its own and try to not make comparisons. Nothing will ever be as good as the original, but standing on its own it's pretty good (or at least got that way).

02-12-2011, 08:44 AM
The US remake can never replace the BBC version. Still, I don't want it to go away as there are so few GOOD car shows in the US. I just hope it improves.

02-12-2011, 03:48 PM
Jalopnik just announced that Tanner Foust is quitting the drift circuit and heading back into the studio to record season 2. And it got the thumbs up approval from Clarkson:
"Top Gear is our baby so you can understand why Hammond, May and I were anxious about passing it on to the presenters of the US show. We needn't have worried because Top Gear is clearly in safe hands, even if they do insist on speaking in those stupid accents..." (http://jalopnik.com/#!exclusive/5757204)

02-12-2011, 06:15 PM
Jalopnik just announced that Tanner Foust is quitting the drift circuit and heading back into the studio to record season 2. And it got the thumbs up approval from Clarkson:
"Top Gear is our baby so you can understand why Hammond, May and I were anxious about passing it on to the presenters of the US show. We needn't have worried because Top Gear is clearly in safe hands, even if they do insist on speaking in those stupid accents..." (http://jalopnik.com/#!exclusive/5757204)

good to hear, but i still think Adam Ferrara is dead weight on the show. i mean i get that he's kind of the "captian slow" of the group, but James May is still a car guy. Adam Ferrara doesnt seem to be.

02-12-2011, 07:23 PM
I think the UK version is much better.

02-12-2011, 11:32 PM
Top Gear should replace Adam. He adds nothing to the show...just saying.

07-30-2012, 04:24 PM
New season premiers Aug. 14th. What kind of episodes would you guys like to see on the upcoming season of Top Gear US?

08-01-2012, 03:15 AM
New season premiers Aug. 14th. What kind of episodes would you guys like to see on the upcoming season of Top Gear US?

A US vs UK episode. For added fun and hilarity, a US vs UK vs Aus

08-01-2012, 04:35 PM
Yep same here.

08-01-2012, 06:44 PM
I thought the show was about zombies, lifeless,talentless, feminized zombies.

Scott Parkhurst
08-01-2012, 06:59 PM
I'd like to see them in some cool hot rods, customs, and pro touring cars. Some offbeat, interesting, non-mainstream rides that align with their personalities. I like seeing them buy auction cars too...cheap stuff is fun.

08-14-2012, 07:12 PM
The U.S. version just shows me how much the rest of world views the U.S. as idiots. There is no actual information or research, and most of the facts and tests they give are usually incorrect. They UK show puts it to shame. All of the hosts on top gear U.S. show to me that they are not true car enthusiasts ( Maybe Tanner is, but he seems like a huge douche.) as opposed to UK where they seem to genuinely enjoy cars on more then a purely mechanical level.

10-02-2012, 05:57 PM
Contrary to what many are saying here the hosts are great. Adam Ferrara is pretty damn funny especially since I love Cadillacs. Rutledge has grown on me and is pretty funny as well and Faust is actually good at driving cars cars (unlike any of the UK blokes). The first few episodes were not great but love the show.

10-16-2012, 11:44 AM
The first season was good. The second was kinda of silly. I like watching it, but the 2nd season needed more test drives..... Who really cares about driving tractors around..

10-17-2012, 04:08 AM
Love Love Love the BBC version.. HATE the US version.

10-17-2012, 12:31 PM
. Adam Ferrara is pretty damn funny especially since I love Cadillacs.

But i think that just means your opinion is null and void...how can we trust your judgement if you like caddys? :P

The problem with the US version is that it just copies with UK version, in a pussed out lawyer'd up sort of way. All hell would break lose if they ever showed a host *gasp* breaking the speed limit....which sort of lames up every race they do on streets. That mustang vs horse challenge could've been done with a pair of Yugo's.