View Full Version : Tourqing my shorts.

09-08-2008, 02:39 PM
I type slow, ok, I know it. But I have sat down and wrote a couple good pieces to post. Takes a while then I go to post and it then asks me to re log back in. Bam all that work gone. How do you people that obviously write longer posts keep this from happening. I tried to copy and paste but can't in the body while writing before a post.

09-08-2008, 05:48 PM
Torquing my shorts.... kind of the 'Murkin equivalent of the British Getting your knickers in a twist

09-08-2008, 05:50 PM
Just a guess here butdo you know if your browser is accepting cookies from this site?

I've never had to log back in, even when I leave it up overnight.

09-08-2008, 07:45 PM
Torquing my shorts.... kind of the 'Murkin equivalent of the British Getting your knickers in a twist

I would say "panties in a wad" but you know.......

I'll try and check on the cookie acceptance. Thanks

09-09-2008, 05:33 AM
You should be able to copy the contents of your post out before hitting the save button. That's what I do, both here and any other form that I do a lot of typing in.

But I've not had the particular issue you're mentioning.

09-09-2008, 05:43 AM
I had it happen a few times & it's frustrating. Now, if I plan to jump up on a 'saopbox' or create a lengthy post, I write it in a Word document. Once I have it completed & proofed, I simply copy the document & paste it in the thread or post-reply of choice.

If the site requests you to re-log in, you still have the document on your computers drive as a word document. Eliminates the possible frustration.

09-09-2008, 05:46 AM
I do that with posts needed for school. The formatting from Word makes it into the posts on the school's site, gives them a little better look too -- can't hurt my grade.

Norm Peterson
09-09-2008, 06:53 AM
I tried to copy and paste but can't in the body while writing before a post.
This forum, like most other forums that do not support <right-click>, paste will still let you paste using the old [CTRL]+V keystroke combination. Just copy from your word processor (to the clipboard), switch to the forum editing pane, put the cursor where you want to paste the text, and hit the two keys simultaneously.

Other useful editing keystroke combinations:
[CTRL]+C = copy
[CTRL]+X = cut
[CTRL]+[Backspace] = delete the word immediately preceding the cursor


09-09-2008, 09:17 AM
It could be your Internet provider. While your typing they sense "inactivity" and bump you off line. Just a thought.

09-10-2008, 11:46 AM
This forum, like most other forums that do not support <right-click>, paste will still let you paste using the old [CTRL]+V keystroke combination. Just copy from your word processor (to the clipboard), switch to the forum editing pane, put the cursor where you want to paste the text, and hit the two keys simultaneously.

Other useful editing keystroke combinations:
[CTRL]+C = copy
[CTRL]+X = cut
[CTRL]+[Backspace] = delete the word immediately preceding the cursor


Huhhhhh, what, overload........ I know there is an answer in there. And I will find it. That shows how freakin stupid I am with this computer stuff. Someone else would look at that answer and instantly say "cool, that helps". I can see me workin for an hour to figure out what buttons your referen to. I'm not baggin on you I'm baggin on myself. Thanks

09-10-2008, 11:59 AM
Just a guess here butdo you know if your browser is accepting cookies from this site?

I've never had to log back in, even when I leave it up overnight.


If it still doesn't work for you, type it out in a word processor (Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, etc) & copy & paste into here.