View Full Version : Trans Am suspension

12-14-2007, 04:03 AM
Hi all...with all the talk about designing hubs and such from scratch I was wondering, is there anyone out there thats using TransAm components? I would think that the characteristics would be very favorable for our rides. Plus the center lock nut systems would look very nice. I would think that these would be comparable in price to building something from scratch, if not actually cost less. Any thoughts?

12-18-2007, 07:54 AM
Wow...not a single person is using TransAm components?? Are they insanely expensive or something? I would have thought you guys would be all over this one...

12-18-2007, 07:57 AM
Yes. They are insanely expensive. Centerlock hubs are insanely expensive. Remeber when chromed and candied chevelles had parachutes...

12-18-2007, 01:59 PM
an deeenn? what ABOUT Chevelles with parachutes? I was around to remember them...I just wasn't old enough to drive, or much more than just look at pictures really.

well just to keep things interesting...whats available out there as far as these types of components go? who makes a solid rear with center lock hubs? would these parts make a much better front end that other regular parts available? lets put it this way...if we were to make the ultimate front end, what would it be? I assume a custom cnc machined job.

matty b
12-18-2007, 07:33 PM
to the best of my knowledge (which is slim in this category) center lock hub are mainly there for speed of tire changes where that last 1000th of a sec counts. Id assume for anything we are building, there is no reason for that short of the cool factor. Id like a pushrod suspension for and aft with a rear mounted transaxle and a front mid engine setup, pretty much like a vette. I actually cam up with a fairly simple design for a front pushrod suspension but it would at the very least require the engine to be set back about a foot. Then using the stock cross member, you could mount shocks in front of the balancer and mount pivots on the frame rails. Actuation of the rockers would be a straight rod mounted on the lower control arm near the ball joint. Weight would be centered and shock adjustments would be a breeze. In the rear set up rockers with the transaxle acting as a streesed member and mounting location for the shocks there. If I had the funds Id do it just to be cool but I seriously doubt doing that all by itself is gonna do that much considering these things are a packaged deal.

12-19-2007, 10:32 AM
I assume the same to be true about the center lock, but I would have thought that the hub itself would have characteristics that would be very good for our type of use. I assume it would be cheaper than building your own.

The rocker system sound awesome! I have a feeling I've seen that sort of thing before on a car like ours. Maybe it was on a Cobra.

matty b
12-19-2007, 11:40 AM
you gotta remember that they fabricate their spindles along with the rest of the front of the car. And although not the same class I saw somewhere that a rear hub assembly for an indy car is north of 10k for one piece. I would assume that trans am hubs would probably be about 60-70 percent of that. If you wanted to you could design a hub on the computer and have it CNC'd for a fraction of that. Granted they still wouldnt be cheap but it wouldnt be even close to 3k a wheel.