View Full Version : Just went and saw "the mist" movie

11-23-2007, 04:53 PM
And that was one of the most f'd up endings I can recall.. I won't spoil it but damn.. don't take someone sensitive.

My wife is still all red eyed....

11-23-2007, 05:23 PM
haha awesome! I think I may need to see this one after all. I have heard good things about it. I'm impatiently waiting for The Golden Compass and Cloverfield to come out.

11-23-2007, 05:31 PM
haha awesome! I think I may need to see this one after all. I have heard good things about it. I'm impatiently waiting for The Golden Compass and Cloverfield to come out.

Yea, I loved the story The Mist, this ends totally different... It was a good movie until the end.. I think I need to take my wife to a happy movie now.

As for Cloverfield.. I have HIGH hopes for this flick.. very promising. I'm also dying to see I AM LEGEND (and Hitman, of course)... lol

11-23-2007, 06:44 PM
im going to wait till "the Mist" comes out on DVD. Hitman and National Treasure II and Punisher II in the theater are a must for me.

11-23-2007, 06:50 PM
im going to wait till "the Mist" comes out on DVD. Hitman and National Treasure II and Punisher II in the theater are a must for me.

If you really want to see the movie you NEED to see it before you hear about the ending.

Knowing the ending would kill the purpose of seeing the movie.

That's not to say I liked the ending (I like the one in the book that had a shread of hope).. but it is "one of those endings"

Which is why I think it will open strong and then die off in box office sales. My wife is now sitting in the other room depressed and I doubt too many people want that during the holidays.

11-23-2007, 08:34 PM
im going to wait till "the Mist" comes out on DVD. Hitman and National Treasure II and Punisher II in the theater are a must for me.

Saw hitman, GREAT movie!!!!!

11-24-2007, 01:14 AM
Saw hitman, GREAT movie!!!!!

I want to see that.

I played Hitman I and III and they rocked. II sucked. I'm actually VERY stoked to go see "the Mist".
That's my kinda flick. Love horror gore movies.

11-24-2007, 02:55 AM
im going to wait till "the Mist" comes out on DVD. Hitman and National Treasure II and Punisher II in the theater are a must for me.

Sweet, I just saw National Treasure and The Punisher this week, worked for me! I was hoping for Punisher II!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll keep my eyes out for hitman, but it will be a while...

11-24-2007, 05:34 AM
Im actually glad that a new actor played the lead role for hitman and not someone famous....it gets old after time if the same people play action roles.

11-24-2007, 06:05 AM
I forgot about I am Legend. I'm so there.

11-24-2007, 08:28 AM
i LOVE movies like this..

and im a sucker for dysentopian society post apocalyptic type joints.. with a splash of good zombie behavior.

Young Gun
11-24-2007, 08:44 AM
hit man was awsome...they did a great job with the movie...it wasnt just a "badass" movie...it was actually done very well

11-24-2007, 11:50 AM
I wish I would have taken my wife to see Hitman instead.. it's on my "short list" along with I Am Legend and Cloverfield.

The Mist.. while good was just too depressing for my wife and I imagine for a lot of people.

I LOVE a good zombie flick though.. I even own "The Zombie Survival Guide".. which is a very funny book.

11-24-2007, 12:14 PM
haha awesome! I think I may need to see this one after all. I have heard good things about it. I'm impatiently waiting for The Golden Compass and Cloverfield to come out.

I hate to be the weird one here , but i got this email saying not to watch the golden compass , because of it being about trying to Kill God? .... Being written by some aethiest ? any truth tho any of this?

11-24-2007, 12:30 PM
if it were written by an atheist, the concept of trying to kill god would never occur to him. To an atheist, there's no *god* to kill. Because he wouldn't believe one existed to kill. So why bother?

**edit** the plot synopsis sure doesn't read like an assassination attempt on god. Sounds like a fantasy movie to me. No mention of god, or alternate religions or anything.

[moderator mode]DO NOT TURN THIS THREAD INTO A RELIGION DEBATE. [/moderator mode]

11-24-2007, 01:48 PM
The author of the book and the trilogy that the Golden Compass comes from is an atheist, is apart of a secular society in England, and is on record saying the books are about killing God. (Tony does bring up a good point though.) Supposedly the second two books are even more obvious anti Christian/anti roman catholic. I have not read any of the books yet so I can not verify any of this. The author has nothing to do with the movie and supposedly the people directing the movie have changed it to being against an evil controlling bent on taking over the world group of people. Nicole Kidman has said she would not be apart of any movie that was anti catholic since she is catholic. She is the bad guy in the movie. The Catholic League is responsible for the emailings and supposedly a call for a boycott of the movie. They fear kids will want to read the books which are not watered down.

So whether or not the movie is anti God/Christian/catholic, I don't know. The books are as that is what the author of the books said they are about. He's the exact opposite of CS Lewis basically.

This won't stop me from seeing the movie or reading the books. My faith,whatever it may be, is secure. I'm a sucker for a good story, especially a fantasy movie. To me Stardust was an amazing movie and not just because Claire Danes is amazingly gorgeous

EDIT: here is the snope's page on all this. http://www.snopes.com/politics/religion/compass.asp
You must read into everything being said though and see who is saying it. That is of course unless you have read the books and seen the movie. In which case you know the answers.

11-24-2007, 02:21 PM
I see. The snopes article mentions "a senile god" Not "the" god. It could be interpeted that the god in the movie/books is not "the" god. But rather some other god like protagonist. Like Q in star trek, or the architect in the matrix, or.... you could go on and on. The problem is the writer is an devout atheist, who's made his agenda clear. He wants to destroy the belief in "god" for others.

But this movie is not about killing god it's about something totally fantastical. The group sending the emails has a problem with the authors politics, not the actual movies message. In that respect, a movie like Dogma should have made them MORE angry.


I'll allow this discussion to continue so long as it **NO ONE** espouses what they believe, we're talking about the movie here. Not the religion. No personal beliefs please.

11-24-2007, 02:22 PM
I hate to be the weird one here , but i got this email saying not to watch the golden compass , because of it being about trying to Kill God? .... Being written by some aethiest ? any truth tho any of this?

I think the quote of the author was something like "If god does exist he sould be executed".. something along that line..

So yes.. the author of the book is highly anti-religion, anti-god and all of that.. it plays pretty heavy in the book.

However, they have toned down the movie to make it less overt.

I wouldn't let that stop you from seeing it though.. this is only important for parents to know in case thier kids want to read the book after seeing the movie.

It's no more threatening to my beliefs than "The Mist" was (since it was highly anti-religion/govt also)

11-24-2007, 02:34 PM
I got that from the trailer of "the Mist" that it was strongly anti religious. It looked like it was going to be an atheists versus theists movie.

11-24-2007, 03:01 PM
I LOVE a good horror/scary flick.
However .my wife refuses to watch anything remotely scary.
So as usual I will have to wait for the DVD.
Going by myself to a theatre or asking a buddy is kinda weird for me.:dunno:

11-24-2007, 03:29 PM
I LOVE a good horror/scary flick.
However .my wife refuses to watch anything remotely scary.
So as usual I will have to wait for the DVD.
Going by myself to a theatre or asking a buddy is kinda weird for me.:dunno:

DON'T take your wife.. you will regret it after the end of the movie. It seemed to disturb quite a few women in the theater...

I love "end of times" type movies too :)

11-24-2007, 04:13 PM
I see. The snopes article mentions "a senile god" Not "the" god. It could be interpeted that the god in the movie/books is not "the" god. But rather some other god like protagonist. Like Q in star trek, or the architect in the matrix, or.... you could go on and on. The problem is the writer is an devout atheist, who's made his agenda clear. He wants to destroy the belief in "god" for others.

But this movie is not about killing god it's about something totally fantastical. The group sending the emails has a problem with the authors politics, not the actual movies message. In that respect, a movie like Dogma should have made them MORE angry.


I'll allow this discussion to continue so long as it **NO ONE** espouses what they believe, we're talking about the movie here. Not the religion. No personal beliefs please.

My thoughts were along the same lines after researching this. My aunt told me about it on Thanksgiving and I didn't believe her so I googled it. That's why I mentioned that it's important to know who is saying what and how are they saying it. I haven't read the books but my first thoughts were maybe the Catholic League was over reacting or saying anti christian when in fact it's anti catholic. There is a difference.

How's about the rumors that Cloverfield is nothing but a redone Godzilla? I think I would walk out on opening night if that's what the creature turned out to be. I'll be pissed if it turns out to be something so lame as that.

11-24-2007, 04:31 PM
Steve, read z war, it was great. I just threw away some zombie/horror books, I should have swapped with someone here.

11-24-2007, 08:17 PM
I looked up the spoiler for "the mist". The ending didn't sound that devistating.
Of course, I hadn't become attached to any characters in the movie, either.

Then again, I'm not a huge movie fan anyway.

04-19-2008, 07:59 PM
So I'm bringing this back because I literally just finished watching the Mist. That is the most F'd up ending I have ever seen for a movie. Wow! That was just wow. Steve I now understand why your wife did not enjoy this. Damn

04-19-2008, 10:00 PM
Thanks Trey. I just got over that movie 2 weeks ago, I still have goose bumps when I see the fog coming over the hill. Spiders, oh yeah. They still piss me off.


That movie was screwed up and yes, life can be that cruel. Personally I would have waited till it was do or die. Never give up ,never surrender.

04-19-2008, 10:24 PM
...Spiders, oh yeah. They still piss me off......Never give up ,never surrender.

First, the spiders are only in your dreams. Second..... Why in the hell are you quoting "Galaxy Quest"?

04-20-2008, 05:37 AM
Personally I would have waited till it was do or die. Never give up ,never surrender.

That's what I took away from the movie. No matter what your beliefs never give up hope.

04-20-2008, 06:01 AM
one of the most F'ed up endings ever in a movie..

now that i have a son.. REALLY FACKED UP~!

04-20-2008, 09:59 AM
First, the spiders are only in your dreams. Second..... Why in the hell are you quoting "Galaxy Quest"? LOL

I don't recommend you watching that Movie dood...unless you can watch your "Bridges of Madison County" movie after.:spank2:

04-20-2008, 10:00 AM
one of the most F'ed up endings ever in a movie..

now that i have a son.. REALLY FACKED UP~! when did that happen? congradulations to you!!

04-20-2008, 11:59 AM
almost 6 months ago..


i miss him terrible too.. im here making money and hes in Japan with his mother.. ill be headed back there in a month or so..

04-23-2008, 06:46 AM
I thought "The Mist" ruled. I've been a huge King fan since I was 9 (I know, what kind of parents let their 9-yr old daughter read SK, but I'm glad) and Mist has been my absolute favorite since. I'll admit I bawled in the theater, but it was like I had grown up with these people and the book didn't really have an ending so the movie ending was a form of closure. Watched it on DVD after it came out and it was good, but didn't have the same impact that it did on the big screen.

"I Am Legend" was great too, but don't bother reading the book for that one, it's not worth it.