View Full Version : Any other divers out here?

11-13-2007, 10:07 PM
I just got NAUI certified. I've been taking classes at school, and then on sunday drove up to Whidbey Island (near Seattle) then yesterday and today we drove down to Langley and did our check-out dives. Lemme tell ya, boy is that water cold! Even with a 7mm wetsuit, hood, booties, gloves, etc.

Now hopefully goin to Cancun for spring break to do some diving with some friends!

Who else dives???

11-13-2007, 10:09 PM
I tried it once but never got into it, im more of a mask/fins kinda guy.

Born and raised in hawaii, you never really learn how to dive other then what you could afford. Ive learned to dive down to 40m on one breath without my head poping lol

11-13-2007, 10:25 PM
hey, im Naui cert 18 year vet. Haven't been out in years though...I sure do miss the abalone. Northern cali is a nice 54 degrees all year round.
Maui was the the best. 2 mile visability and 74 degree water.

11-13-2007, 10:52 PM
24 year NASDS (now SSI) certified AOW instructor. Got it when I was 15... used to love trips to San Nicolas Island on opening day of BUG season.

Like Vinny... havent been out in a long time. Living in Vegas doesnt really make for good diving... (Lake Mead is a cess pool.)

11-14-2007, 06:23 AM
Maui was the the best. 2 mile visability and 74 degree water.

Not only maui, all of the hawaiian islands. I think the big island (hawaii) has the best reef diving on the Kona side of the island.

11-14-2007, 07:55 AM
I'm just PADI open water certified. I got certified in Grand Cayman when I was 15y/o. I've never done any cold water stuff - BRRRRRRR!

I love to dive, but haven't had a lot of time to go recently. I've been to the typically Caribbean locations.

Grand Cayman

The wife and I are gong to Hawaii next summer for the first time, so I'm looking forward to that!

Scott Parkhurst
11-14-2007, 10:06 AM
I'm also certified. It was really cool while I lived in California.

Now that I'm in Minnesota...well, I haven't been diving as much...


11-14-2007, 10:17 AM
Just Padi open water a long time ago...

11-14-2007, 11:20 AM
Certified about 10 years ago, have been to Cozumel MX & the Florida Keys. I am ready for another trip to Cozumel, that is if the hurricanes haven't destroyed it. My checkout dive was the last weekend in April in Indiana. Water was so mucked up I could almost see my hand in front of my mask & water was 49 degrees. Brrrr.....

11-14-2007, 11:35 AM
I'll muff dive occasionally. :naughty:

11-14-2007, 08:01 PM
ROFL, I was waiting for that! cheeeeze wizzzzzzzz haaaahaaaa

11-15-2007, 08:16 AM
Back in 1991 my wife and I planned a trip to Austrailia.
Since we really enjoyed snorkeling we decided to get certified
(PADI Open water)so that we could dive on the Great Barrier Reef..
Since that time we have dived (dove?) in other cool spots but nothing to date compares to dives on the Great Barrier Reef:drool:

11-15-2007, 08:34 AM
I dive occasionally. I've had my cert for about 15 years or so. Good stuff!

Cancun is cool... but not the greatest diving (although it's got it's highlights). You'll have fun down there for sure though.


11-15-2007, 11:07 AM
I'm PADI AOWD....I don't reef dive much unless it's at night. Love me some wreck diving though. I've done Reunion, BVI, Belize, keys, and some stuff in north and south carolina. I try to get out at least once a year for a couple days worth of diving.

If you ever make it down to the keys, make sure you check out the spiegel grove. What an awesome thing! I could have hit that site for days and days and not seen everything.

11-15-2007, 12:16 PM
I dive for indian artifacts in the rivers around here. Only been once in salt water (Bahamas).

Certified a few years ago and have burned a couple of hundred tanks so far.

11-15-2007, 08:34 PM
quite a few guys out here that dive! can't wait to actually go somewhere tropical to dive :twothumbs

11-16-2007, 05:38 AM
I dive for indian artifacts in the rivers around here. Only been once in salt water (Bahamas).

Certified a few years ago and have burned a couple of hundred tanks so far.

Where is "around here" & what have you found?