View Full Version : Significant Others

08-07-2007, 01:08 PM
So how does your wife, husband, girlfriend, etc. feel about your hobby interest?

08-07-2007, 01:21 PM
My wife loves the attention they get her when they are done, but could care less about the struggles I go through getting them done! She has only once complained about the amount of money I spend of vehicles.

08-07-2007, 01:22 PM
She enjoys it, that's why I'm marrying her in 2 weeks. She is cool with the project, as long as I don't forget about her toy....a Jeep Rubicon. Speaking of, I could buy my TKO with what I'm spending on the Jeep to get it ready for our honeymoon in Colorado!

08-07-2007, 02:11 PM
well my gf knows that there are cars in garage but could care less..and i know she has no idea what kind they are..but is mad that my mustang is a 5 speed she likes that one but cant drive it..lol..need catagory could care less and leaves me alone..

08-07-2007, 02:36 PM
My Gf Enjoys the finished product, not the work it takes to get it there.


08-07-2007, 03:08 PM
You need a choice in there like

Thinks the finished cars are cool, but not into the hobby. Nonetheless she supports me in it because it makes me happy.

08-07-2007, 03:29 PM
My gf likes cars, but doesnt care about the projects til its done basicly. Til then its just a expensive hunk of metal... Which it is...

08-07-2007, 03:48 PM
The "They are more into it than I am! Encourages it." careful she might be getting some on the side...ha ha !!

08-07-2007, 03:49 PM
Maybe it's because I work in the industry...but I'm all for it!

We just bought a new Corvette (well, new to us) today and I'm super excited! The first thing I said after I signed the papers was "What do you want to change first?" lol

You guys have such a bad influence on me! My husband thanks you, I'm sure.

Roger Poirier
08-07-2007, 03:51 PM
My wife loves the attention they get her when they are done, but could care less about the struggles I go through getting them done!

Same here...

She has only once complained about the amount of money I spend of vehicles.

:hammer:You must not be spending enough money.

08-07-2007, 04:18 PM
My wife (and her whole family) just don't get the hobby. They all think I'm nuts and their eyes glaze over whenever I mention anything about cars. The funny thing is that I'm the first person they call when their "new" car breaks down or they want some advice on buying one.

My wife tolerates it because she knows how important it is to me and doesn't complain when checks come in. However, my 2 year old daughter loves cars and bikes. Aren't dominant genes great?

08-07-2007, 04:29 PM
No comment. Can I plead the fifth

Damn True
08-07-2007, 04:42 PM
My wife likes the fact that it makes me happy but has a hard time understanding why I still call it a "Camaro" when the finished product will have only exterior sheetmetal in common with the Camaro it once was. The car is totally on hold though until the house is done.

He friends, the kind of girls who see nothing wrong with having 100 pairs of shoes, roll their eyes every time the subject comes up, but their husbands are all wish they too had a blank canvas '68 Camaro in their garage.

08-07-2007, 09:27 PM
My wife is not into the car, but is good about letting me work on it one day per weekend as long as the other day is spent with the family. My son loves working in the garage with me.

08-07-2007, 09:54 PM
My girlfriend didnt used to be into it when we first started dating (probably because the first thing I did on our first date was take her to my house to show her my then "project" Nova), but since then she has definately gotten into it. She was even the first person to work on my 68 Camaro even before myself,tearing out the old interior, and has a list of cars she wants "us" to build including a 69 Camaro (of course), 64 Malibu that must be bagged she says, and a 67 Chevy II. I think I got myself a good one!

08-08-2007, 03:04 AM
Mine hates my car now, she liked it when it was loud, idled at 1100 rpm, got 6 mpg, and was at 3600 rpm to go 60 mph.

Oh well, to each there own.

Bow Tie 67
08-08-2007, 03:46 AM
I have learned to make sure I balance my time with her and the " other woman ". She has offered to help where she can, but is not into cars. In fact she is leary of driving in my toys, she was involved in a bad accident 2 years ago and does not like driving fast. All in all she is supportive and knows once its drivable the dinning room will be empty of auto parts. Lol

B Schein
08-08-2007, 05:14 AM
My girlfriend doesn’t under stand it at all and really it when I “smell like metal”.

08-08-2007, 05:35 AM
You need a choice in there like

Thinks the finished cars are cool, but not into the hobby. Nonetheless she supports me in it because it makes me happy. Yeah, that's about right.

08-08-2007, 06:57 AM
My wife has learned to deal with it. I actually meet her at a car show.. She only gets mad when I'm working on it all the time. I always make a jokes about how the car was here before her...

TPI Monte SS
08-08-2007, 07:29 AM
My wife (and her whole family) just don't get the hobby. They all think I'm nuts and their eyes glaze over whenever I mention anything about cars. The funny thing is that I'm the first person they call when their "new" car breaks down or they want some advice on buying one.

My wife tolerates it because she knows how important it is to me and doesn't complain when checks come in. However, my 2 year old daughter loves cars and bikes. Aren't dominant genes great?

Sounds like us too! My in-laws think I'm crazy, but my wife deals with it. My parents supported my love of cars, even let me keep my '88 SS in their garage the first winter I owned it since my garage was full of parts from my chopped up old '85 SS. I've spent a LOT less time on it over the last few years since we've had kids and the house, but I still get to take my 4-year old son for a ride once in a while and tinker with the car. He loves going "Vroom!" in the Monte! I think my daughter will like the car too, but she's only 13 months old. Kinda tough to tell at this age, but she giggles like a crazy woman when I start it up. Maybe that's a good sign!

08-08-2007, 07:44 AM
My wife is into car's almost as much myself, the last 3 year,s we did the Power Tour as our vacation! She said no new car project's until i remodel the bathroom's and kitchen, man i can build a car for what this is costing. She keep's me human, i would poop in a bucket and throw it in the neighbor's lawn because i don't have a bathroom in the garage yet.:eek:

08-08-2007, 08:49 AM
Mine loves it. She's been there holding stuff and helping when she can the whole time. To her it's "our" car. She's emotionally invested in it just as I am.

It didn't start off that way. She, like most women doesn't have "vision" to see past the heap that was drug home on a trailer. It took countless photoshops to get her on board. Her need to see me happy had her there as the work started and the car started to become what it is now. The more the car started to look like the photoshops the more she dug it. Now that she's seen a car change like this, she's real excited. She has a little car of her own now. (a 97 cabrio) with rims, that is lowered, that is fixed up her way making it her car.

Our first weekend together was spent at Hot August Nights. It's where we fell in love. She *has* to go every year as tradition. How cool is that?

08-08-2007, 11:48 AM
My Father in law is a total gear head. He has built mag cover cars in the garage as my wife was growing up. My wfe's 1st car was a 71 Camaro and she wants us to build another one. She understands not until mine is done. She will come out and turn wrenches with me and knows what she is looking at and what I am talking about.

She DOESN'T ge the whole Street fighter thing. She thinks cages and sprot/racing seats kill the look of a classic car. She wants a cruiser more than anything. But she says I can build MY car MY way and HER car HER way.

Don't think for a second though HER car won't have big brakes and a beefed up suspension nonetheless!

08-08-2007, 12:42 PM
wifey is very supportive because she knows it makes me happy and when daddy's happy,well...it's a beautiful thing.

08-08-2007, 02:02 PM
My wife is great, though she really doesn't "get" the whole car thing. Before we got married, I asked if she was going to be one of "those" women who made her husband sell off his cars and bikes. She replied, "why do some women do that?" I explained that it was actually quite common, to which she answered "No, I won't do that. Every good woman knows that a man has to have his toys, if he doesn't he will find something else to play with and she usually has breasts."

Beyond that, as Tony L said, she doesn't have the "vision," but after seeing some of the stuff I've done has decided that I must. Sometimes I'll show her a part, and explain what I intend to do with it and she'll look at me kind of cross-eyed and reply "ok, if you say so."

She is totally on my side though when it comes to the projects... except maybe when I blew the budget on the shed by some 300%!

Shiny Side Up!

Bill Howell
08-08-2007, 03:07 PM
I agree with Steve Rupp. Mine likes the fact that I enjoy cars, much better hobby than some I have had in the past. And while she never says a word about the bills that come in the mail regularly, she really could care less about the cars.

08-08-2007, 03:16 PM
my significant other IS my car.

the gf is just lucky if she gets to come along for a ride.

lol, IME, the car is more fun, more reliable, cant cheat on ya, won't nag you, appreciates the work you do for it, costs less money (and wont try to take half later), and it wont complain when you get tired of it and want to trade it in for a newer model !!

heck, it doesnt even mind if i have more than one, as long as i still give it a ride once in awhile!

08-08-2007, 06:14 PM
My wife (and her whole family) just don't get the hobby. They all think I'm nuts and their eyes glaze over whenever I mention anything about cars. The funny thing is that I'm the first person they call when their "new" car breaks down or they want some advice on buying one.

My wife tolerates it because she knows how important it is to me and doesn't complain when checks come in. However, my 2 year old daughter loves cars and bikes. Aren't dominant genes great?

Exactly my situation, in-laws and all, except I don't have any kids yet.

08-08-2007, 07:20 PM
Exactly my situation, in-laws and all, except I don't have any kids yet.

It's great if you're lucky enough have kids because you can get them interested and outnumber your wife.

One of my daughter's favorite games is when I pull her around the house by her feet while she sits down and pretends to steer. It's a riot! As soon as I walk in the door she sits on the kitchen floor and yells "Wace (race) Daddy!" I make the engine noises and she shifts.

08-09-2007, 12:56 AM
Are you kidding?

My wife can chirp the tires in her SUV lol..She is really great
about the hobby,always has been good about what I have built
and loves to go car shopping.When I first met her she had a 1970
Corvette 350 with a 4-spd,she said it got her allot of attention in it
and a few speeding tickets.I knew instantly I was going to get along
with her from the start.All 3 of her brothers had performance cars
also, so I think she got the bug from them and wanted not to be left
out,in the early days we would go out on dates to Van Nuys Blvd
and hang out with the rest of the car fanatics..Ahh,the good days.



08-09-2007, 09:18 AM
My wife's thankful that I'm not into fast boats anymore. The Nova's damn cheap compared to that thing.

08-09-2007, 10:04 AM
Mine tolerates it, but doesn't really get into the show's and stuff, I bought her a 68 Camaro convert, and to her it's just a nice car drive, She'll do some cruise nights if it's near a place she can go shopping, while the cruise night is going.

But pretty much doesn't like it. I have been trying to decide what to build since I sold my pro street car, and all I get is not another project.

And don't even ask about racing.........

08-09-2007, 12:12 PM
my significant other IS my car.

the gf is just lucky if she gets to come along for a ride.

lol, IME, the car is more fun, more reliable, cant cheat on ya, won't nag you, appreciates the work you do for it, costs less money (and wont try to take half later), and it wont complain when you get tired of it and want to trade it in for a newer model !!

heck, it doesnt even mind if i have more than one, as long as i still give it a ride once in awhile!Someone needs to make that a T-Shirt!!

08-09-2007, 01:19 PM
Thankfully my wife is really into cars. She loves driving/riding fast and our next project is going to be for her. When it gets done she's going to do the street course at the Sept. Bonneville meet. There's even talk of her letting me run it in one of the Touring classes at Silver State. Then there's the talk of one day doing Bull Run/Great American Run with it. I definitely consider myself lucky to have a wife that's a car fan.

Her car-

08-09-2007, 02:37 PM
Someone needs to make that a T-Shirt!!

haha, good idea, but i forsee many men afraid to wear a shirt like that!

the male gender has really slid down the slippery slope of wussiness over time. being afraid of sleeping on the couch, or worrying about what your wife/gf lets you do.......*sigh* i just shake my head in disbelief sometimes.

much appreciated are the women who are actually into the car hobby though, wish there were more likem.

08-09-2007, 03:30 PM
haha, good idea, but i forsee many men afraid to wear a shirt like that!

the male gender has really slid down the slippery slope of wussiness over time. being afraid of sleeping on the couch, or worrying about what your wife/gf lets you do.......*sigh* i just shake my head in disbelief sometimes.

much appreciated are the women who are actually into the car hobby though, wish there were more likem.My wife couldn't move me outta bed if she tried. She takes the couch in those "times".

08-09-2007, 07:37 PM
my wife is very much into it ALL !!! and she knows her stuff!!! we used to { and still have a our 90 isuzu mintruck in the garage which i might add about 85% of the ideas on it are hers!!! ( it wayy more streetrod style than typical minitruck) any way.... she said to me a while back she wishes we could build a cuda or challenger. she loved Bobs g-force cuda, so I'm one of the lucky ones.. and , she will get in there and help clean do what ever neends to be done. and watch out she sees details ,especially paint flaws. I cant tell you how many shows we have been to and we will see a nice car, and she will pull me to the side and point out fisheye,tape lines, spiderwebs etc... and it will be a really nice car. gotta love that!!!

Andrew McBride
08-10-2007, 06:38 AM
My wife likes cars, but shopping is more at the top of her list. She wants a 70 mach 1 or a 57 bel air, so at least she has somewhat of an interest.

08-10-2007, 09:31 AM
My wife couldn't move me outta bed if she tried. She takes the couch in those "times".

hey, im with ya

im all for equality, if she wants to pay all the bills, than i'll sleep on the couch!

Beach Cruiser
08-10-2007, 09:48 AM
My second one is ok with it, she even gives me "seed" money for Christmas. She had best not ever complain about the money or the time, cause she has a horse. And we don't live on a farm, so her "garage" costs way more than mine... First wife said, it's either the car (and boat) or me. Well, like I said, she was the first one. And I still have the car and boat.

08-11-2007, 03:39 AM
the male gender has really slid down the slippery slope of wussiness over time. being afraid of sleeping on the couch, or worrying about what your wife/gf lets you do.......*sigh* i just shake my head in disbelief sometimes.

You are actually correct, in a sense. Since the '70s we have been given tons of advice on how to treat women. Most of it has centered on being "sensative," and truthfully hasn't even been correct! We do need to be sensative, but in an empathetic way. Not the sniveling wimpish way so many men seem to use.

On the other hand, we have been getting more and more abused by women in general because of a few factors.

a) The above mentioned advice has taken away our "man-ness" if you will.

b) No one has bothered to give women any good advice on how they are suposed to treat their husbands.

c) Both sexes have gotten frustraited in trying to deal with each other, and thus have become increasingly selfish. After all, if it isn't going to work, I might as well at leat get something out of it!

While C is definitely not the way to go, B can be addressed. My wife read a book called "Love and Respect," and it has made what was a good relationship into a fantastic one.

The premise of the book is that women, on average, naturally speak in a language of unconditional love, and that they need to feel loved. Men on the other hand naturally speak in a language of unconditional respect, and they need to feel respected.

Worse, when a women feels unloved, she acts in a way that is disrespectful to a man, and when a man feels disrespected, he will act in a way that is unloving to a woman. See any problems here? :drive2:

It goes on to explain how, on average, a woman will say that she will not "respect" her husband until he "earns" it. Yet, of course, she would recoil in horror if she heard that her husband will not love her until she earned it! She will then go on acting disrespectful, never understanding that she holds the key to fixing things!

It's defintiely not one of those sappy "Mars and Venus" books! I will warn you that is does have a Christian background, but that being said, it doesn't evangelize. Since Kristy came to me asking things about "when I do 'X', does it really feel disrespectful?" or "do you really mean 'y' when..." things have become great! Give it a read, both guys and gals, you won't regret it!

Shiny Side Up!

08-11-2007, 05:30 PM
great comments bill!

08-13-2007, 12:59 PM
Speaking of shirts, my buddy had a hilarious shirt a few years back. He would ride his Cruiser with a Shirt that said (on the back): "If you can read this, The bitch fell off!"

His g/f thought it was cute. Others said it was disrespectful. I just called it funny!

08-13-2007, 02:43 PM
Dave hates it when I buy neat cars and have them towed home ... without telling him first!!

Mary Pozzi

Roger Poirier
08-14-2007, 01:50 AM
Speaking of shirts, my buddy had a hilarious shirt a few years back. He would ride his Cruiser with a Shirt that said (on the back): "If you can read this, The bitch fell off!"

His g/f thought it was cute. Others said it was disrespectful. I just called it funny!


08-15-2007, 02:08 PM
Speaking of shirts, my buddy had a hilarious shirt a few years back. He would ride his Cruiser with a Shirt that said (on the back): "If you can read this, The bitch fell off!"

His g/f thought it was cute. Others said it was disrespectful. I just called it funny!

that shirt was really popular a few years ago when it came out at daytona bike week

in response i saw a few biker women wearing shirts that said "im the bitch that fell off!"

11-09-2007, 06:54 PM
My girlfriend isn't into the "hands on" aspect of the hobby, but she encourages me and is very supportive of it. She even bought my current project for me as a birthday gift! :angel:

11-09-2007, 09:04 PM
My wife is cool with the cars.
She knows it makes me happy.
I am careful not to drive to aggressively when she is in the car.
However When I first got the Nova I took her for a little spin.
We turned into a remote industrial area and I asked her if she "was ready" She said yes and I nailed it at about 40mph in 2nd gear and it went sideways. She chewed on my a$$ the rest of the way home:razz:

11-10-2007, 08:38 AM
Dont have one,I answer to no one for the parts/cars/bikes I buy!!

11-10-2007, 09:12 AM
Wife tolerates it..knows its better to spend my time and money in the
garage on the cars than at the STRIP CLUBS OR AT A BAR..
at least she knows where im at

11-10-2007, 09:51 AM
my wife likes the cars and the attention that they get.

she cried when i sold my 8 second mustang. here is the story. one day a friend was giving me crap because he built a 1300hp turbo mustang that smoked me. the next day at church she asked me what it would take to shut him up. i said about $12000 for the motor and she said get busy!!!

i love that woman!!!

Young Gun
11-10-2007, 05:36 PM
now that the car isnt in my garage any more, I spend the friday nights with her...so shes definately likes that...but she wants the damn car finished so she can get a ride in it...we were driving back from dallas today and I saw 2 '32 roadsters about an hour apart and just stared and she started laughing at my obsession hahah

11-10-2007, 08:48 PM
My wife is the coolest! she actually surprised me many times during the build with parts. One day she called me at work and told me that I had to stop by a truck depot on my way home from work, when i asked why? I was just told to do it and to my surprise it was my new transmission. other unexpected items that my wife purchased for the build on her own were the Dakota Digital dash, Painless wiring kit, Be Cool Radiator, many misc. incidentals and most recently, the Ring Bros. hood hinges. Am I lucky or what?

Young Gun
11-10-2007, 10:32 PM
My wife is the coolest! she actually surprised me many times during the build with parts. One day she called me at work and told me that I had to stop by a truck depot on my way home from work, when i asked why? I was just told to do it and to my surprise it was my new transmission. other unexpected items that my wife purchased for the build on her own were the Dakota Digital dash, Painless wiring kit, Be Cool Radiator, many misc. incidentals and most recently, the Ring Bros. hood hinges. Am I lucky or what?

your wife is what I like to call...a keeper...your a lucky man...does she know anything about football?

11-12-2007, 03:01 AM
So how does your wife, husband, girlfriend, etc. feel about your hobby interest?

She thinks it's a money pit and I'm such a slacker that I've spent
a little over $30,000 so far and I still don't drive it much.

No interior in there yet......just haven't gotten it done yet.

11-12-2007, 08:48 PM
your wife is what I like to call...a keeper...your a lucky man...does she know anything about football?

As a matter of fact...yes! since being with me she has developed an interest in it.:woot:

11-12-2007, 09:28 PM
Um... who cares what she thinks as long as she wipes her damn feet before she gets in!

"There, there my baby. Did that wench dirty your floor mats?" :headbang:

11-13-2007, 06:38 AM
So how does your wife, husband, girlfriend, etc. feel about your hobby interest?

My wife is very supportive overall. She tends to get involved in assembly activities - especially when I need smaller hands. Like me she hates the body work and painting (dust and fumes). She’d actually prefer a Rat-Rod for herself, she’s got a 50’s sole I guess. Her biggest frustration is I buy things and never allow her to surprise me with anything.
