View Full Version : Pi Data Acquistion Software (Version 6)???

11-18-2006, 07:28 AM
Hi again Folks,

Been a while since I last posted something but I have a few questions for you.

To Data Aquisition Experts and anyone with experience in this field...

Has anyone out there used PI's Data Acquisition software? Any experts using version 6? I am getting acquainted with the software (as sad as it sounds) and want to learn to use it to its full potential. I would like to know more about the "Math Definitions" under main menu "Define". As far as I can see the range of inputs (data source from vehicle onboard sensors) can be used to calculate interesting functions the race engineer may be interested in using to tune the cars suspension or engine performance. There are around 27 typical engine/suspension input signals.

Since I am a rookie to data acquisition (touring car) I would like to know from professional race engineers/drivers out there... What do you think I could use the Math Definition Tool to do? Or to put it another way... What would you be interested in finding out from your vehicle by calculation and using typical signals to help you find "the required function" ?

Sorry if I haven't been clearer in some areas. Any help or ideas?

(Help file of software is not very helpful :o( )
The software website is: