View Full Version : Poof.. there goes $1200 ...

05-11-2006, 07:20 PM
Gotta love lifes little surprises..

Our Whippet has been acting a little lathargic the last two days.. eating slow.. not wanting to run.. just out of character.

Took her to the vet today.. $497 for x-rays, blood work, exam and all that..

The x-rays show some objects in her stomach.. sorta like quarters but not metallic. She is not typically the type to eat innanimate objects and stuff, so we have no idea what it is.

They are keeping her overnight for observation and they are going to do the barium deal and take xrays every hour or two to see if there's any blockage... total for that part $600-$700..

$1200ish and counting.. if they have to operate :guilty:

Hope she is ok.. she's a great dog..

colt zantop
05-11-2006, 08:02 PM
hope she gets better. :)

05-11-2006, 08:26 PM
ever so those paintings of the dogs playing poker...yea my bets on poker chips in the stomach...stench of cigars in the house? could just be columbo.

good luck though

05-11-2006, 08:48 PM
Had the exact same thing with one of our German Shepherds. Had the yard landscaped; they used bark dressing for some of the beds; the female liked the taste of the bark; unbeknowst to use ate some.

Stopped eating; threw up in the car a vomitous substance that smelled like feces; scared the heck out of me so off to the vet. Two visists and one series of barium xrays, she's all better.

FWIW, our vet said the barium often helps them pass the objects blocking their intestines.

I hope it works out for you and your whippet.

05-11-2006, 08:55 PM
I was Tee'd off due to paying $25 for heart worm prevention medication. My total bill for checking a Dalmation and Shnauwzer(SP?) + meds was $75. Don't get me wrong, I would do anything for these dogs, but I feel better now. Thanks Steve! :smoke:

05-11-2006, 09:14 PM
I was Tee'd off due to paying $25 for heart worm prevention medication. My total bill for checking a Dalmation and Shnauwzer(SP?) + meds was $75. Don't get me wrong, I would do anything for these dogs, but I feel better now. Thanks Steve! :smoke:

Glad we could help.. I think...

ever so those paintings of the dogs playing poker...yea my bets on poker chips in the stomach...stench of cigars in the house? could just be columbo.

good luck though


She has been found near the deck of card.. hmmmm

05-12-2006, 05:22 AM
Two words.....Dog Insurance...

We had a little episode with our dog when he was about 1-1/2 years old. He was just laying on the ground very, lathergic.
Looked like he was dying!
Jumped in the truck and off to the vet...
While we were in the waiting room I asked my wife..
"How much would we spend to save his life?"
(I love him to.I was just curious)
She replied. "I don't know" (lips pouting)
Her.."I don't know" (more pouting)
Me....$10,000!" (starting to get into major car parts range here)
Her....."I don't know I don't want to think about it"

Well as it turned out he was just dehydrated.. He spent the night at the vets and all was well $500 later..

Shortly thereafter I am opening the mail and I come across a bill that I was not familar with :hmm:
Seems as if my wife found a company that offers health insurance for dogs!
I think we pay about $300 a year. I am not sure but I believe it is primarily for catastrophic coverages not check-ups etc...


Steve Chryssos
05-12-2006, 05:39 AM
Cute doggie. I hope it all works out well.

Scott Parkhurst
05-12-2006, 09:28 AM
Dog's are people. All my best wishes- I hope she's okay.


05-12-2006, 10:21 AM
hope the dogs ok. We had a lab that had the same symptoms and the vet couldn't find anything. She was near death then finally puked up a CLEAR plastic bag! Now we have a dalmation that has an iron stomach. i have seen that dog eat anything and never get sick! It ate a bar of soap once that I thought would at least make her puke but nothing.

My parents have spent well over 10 grand on their dog. Hit by a car, broken leg, years of healing.

05-12-2006, 10:23 AM
Our old girl is having issues too - after $500 for shots etc. we're looking at $1800 for removing some tumors. <sigh> Being upset that she's sick is bad enough, without having to jettison $2500.


05-12-2006, 11:09 AM
Hope she's doing well... Very good looking dog ... I mean, person!

Good Luck! ...

Maybe she took a little nibble off of Penny! :)

05-12-2006, 12:30 PM
Hope all turns out well , Cool dog !
This breed of dog really can be expensive !
we have a Italian Grey hound ( the small ones like your whippet ) and she broke her leg ( THAT WAS PAINFULL JUST TO SEE ) and the cost of that over 6 mo was 2 grand but we love her and she's ok now .
You do what ever it takes as long as there's hope!

Good luck

Ralph LoGrasso
05-12-2006, 12:50 PM
I hope she gets better, Steve.

I had to put my dog to sleep two weeks ago, it was a rough day.

05-12-2006, 02:13 PM
I hope she gets better, Steve.

I had to put my dog to sleep two weeks ago, it was a rough day.

Yea, it's a shame dogs don't live longer.. they certainly deserve to..

Athena is back home.. Everything checked out ok and they have no idea what was in her stomach but it's gone now.. Bill only came to $1042 (only??) but then again they didn't find squat.

Some antibiotics and she is resting.. should know in a few days if she is back to her old "running around" ways.

Thanks guys!

05-13-2006, 10:49 AM
I hope she gets better, Steve.

I had to put my dog to sleep two weeks ago, it was a rough day.

Sorry to hear about that Ralph. Our friends just spent $500 and still had to put their 4 month old lab down after it ate grapes (apparently toxic to labs) - complete renal failure. But they had no choice. The way I see it, if you have an opportunity to save a family member, you do it whatever it costs.

Steve, if it makes you feel any better, I'm out $2,100 bucks this month on my wife's root canal and filling replacements. That's after she just got $6,000 braces off. I told her not to drink so much diet coke with braces on! :pat:

05-13-2006, 05:03 PM
Yea, it's a shame dogs don't live longer.. they certainly deserve to..

Thanks guys!
I agree with you Steve. I've had to put down two dogs in the past, a Shelty and a French Standard.
The Shelty was as dumb as a door knob and yappy, but his devotion to our family was incredable. The standard poodle was without a doubt the smartest dog I've ever known, and he had a real sense of humour too.
They were both hit with illnesses that were beyond any sort of medical help. As hard as it was to put them down, it was harder to see a friend suffer more than they needed or deserved to.
They both deserved longer and healthier lives.

Ralph LoGrasso
05-14-2006, 01:25 PM
Sorry to hear about that Ralph. Our friends just spent $500 and still had to put their 4 month old lab down after it ate grapes (apparently toxic to labs) - complete renal failure. But they had no choice. The way I see it, if you have an opportunity to save a family member, you do it whatever it costs.

Steve, if it makes you feel any better, I'm out $2,100 bucks this month on my wife's root canal and filling replacements. That's after she just got $6,000 braces off. I told her not to drink so much diet coke with braces on! :pat:

Thanks, and yes, it truly is a terrible thing to have to put a good dog to sleep, but it's the right thing to do when they're suffering.

Glad to hear your dog is doing better, Steve. Best of luck on a speedy and complete recovery.

05-15-2006, 05:21 AM
Glad to hear he's doing better Steve.

This is exactly what has been keeping my wife and I from getting a dog for the kids. My luck the damn thing would bankrupt me.

Whippet.....didn't "Devo" do a song about those dogs?