View Full Version : How I spent my Friday at work...

03-10-2006, 05:04 PM
What a day.. was shooting a story on the Guldstrand mod and who else better to do it than the guy who invented it :)

Life is good when you get to hang out with a legend.. and as a bonus he is really great guy with a TON of stories..

A pic.. I'm the grinning idiot on the right..

Oh, there was a "wall of babes" too.. no PC stuff in this shop.. Last pic is of some of the toys out back..

03-10-2006, 05:17 PM
That is awesome shop.

03-10-2006, 05:22 PM
very cool. thanks for sharing

03-10-2006, 06:02 PM
I'll take the yellow SS please.

03-11-2006, 12:17 PM
Damn, does your job ever suck ??????
Maybe you and DG should get together and write a book of all those "stories" before we loose another legend.

03-11-2006, 12:44 PM
A pic.. I'm the grinning idiot on the right..

Can we quote you on that ??

Definately one of the cool perks of your job. I like it that a lot of the "legends" in this sport are still involved and most of them forgot more than we will ever know.

03-11-2006, 02:04 PM
Damn, does your job ever suck ??????
Maybe you and DG should get together and write a book of all those "stories" before we loose another legend.

Yes, just like any job it has it's "moments".. lol.. Deadlines and there is always a pressure since what you do is seen by so many and if you 'f up it's not like nobody will notice.

But overall it's a fun gig.. you have to do it cause you love it and not for the money though.

**** just finished a HUGE book about his life and all his stories.. I will try to find out the name of it. It's a big coffee table sized book with TONS of pics.

He was asked "Is strange being known for a modification" and he replied "I always thought I would be known for cheating, but this is good too." lol

Also, the inspectors would always measure where the engine was to see if they were cheating by moving the engine back. What they never realize was that they had moved the suspension forward. Like **** said "It's only cheating if your caught" :)