View Full Version : Crap, my forum got hacked HELP!

Damn True
01-30-2006, 12:01 PM
Hey guys. I'm an admin for a forum http://half-mind.com/forum/index.php

It got hacked last night. How screwed am I here?
Any ideas?

Larry Callahan
01-30-2006, 12:22 PM
It's really slow loading. Was your forum a vbulletin board?

Larry Callahan
01-30-2006, 12:27 PM
Nevermind, I just looked around and your forum was a phpbb board. Any chance you backed it up recently or has your hosting company backed it up?

Damn True
01-30-2006, 02:32 PM
I'll have to find out later tonight. I can't access anything usefull from the office. Apparently the group is some Turkish Liberation e-terrorist organization that has figured out how to bugger up phpbb boards.

I'll find out tonight whats up I hope.

according to the phpbb forum site this is a known security issue.

the system is basically in place, as you can see by going to...


the forums says that our index.php file has been hacked.

the fix is to update the software... so I guess I need to

backup database structure
backup database content
backup config.php

upload new/old version of index.php

then upgrade to newest version.

if you google "hacked by yusuf"... you will see we are not alone.


I may ask for some help with this. Kinda new to this game.

02-09-2006, 01:41 AM
I think the same group broke into my phpbb on my site about 2 months ago, did they leave you any contact info? email etc? Just so happens my g/f is Turkish, maybe send them something nasty? Already had her write something to them when it happened to me.