View Full Version : Need help ID'ng and or finding this style watts

11-25-2023, 10:31 AM
I need one of these 'modified watts links' for a build in the shop

does anyone know who or what makes them?

or has plans so i can have it made?

whats it called?

thanks a billion...


11-25-2023, 10:57 AM
It was made by an outfit called TSM Manufacturing but they don’t seem to offer it any longer.



11-25-2023, 12:05 PM
It was made by an outfit

thanks don.
i sent them an email, we'll see what happens.

I like that desing, and it would be perfect for the project we are working on.

Even if i can get some plans i can build my own, just need some better pics, more info to replicate it.\

thanks again

11-28-2023, 08:06 AM


hey hey hey !!!

got an email reply back from them, and looks like we might be getting one... im excited

11-28-2023, 09:59 AM
hey hey hey !!!

got an email reply back from them, and looks like we might be getting one... im excited

11-28-2023, 02:40 PM
Is that the one with the gears?

01-04-2024, 04:19 PM

Is that the one with the gears?

Yes with the gears.

Well unfortunatley they have decided they dont have any laying around they can sell me.

I asked for detailed pics, or anything i can use to duplicate the idea since i only have one oddball off the internet picture.

I have not heard any responses back, and i feel they didnt like the idea of me reproducing it for my vehicle.
This sucks, as I have the perfect vehcile and have been trying to get one for like 5 or 6 years now,

Was even in talks with them on the phone before i went on a year tour in iraq..

Maybe i can find someone who has some good pics, or plans or something i can use to make one for my personal vehicle.....