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View Full Version : TKO and mechanical Speedo problems... help

09-24-2004, 02:29 PM
Has anybody else had any problems with the mechanical speedo adapter for the TKO 600? I can't get my stock speedo to slip into the adapter (extension) of the TKO-600's mechanical adapter.

To the people who have done this before - did you cut your factory one shorter to get it to slip into the extension piece? I can only get mine to slip in like a 1/8".... Can't get it to thread into the mechanical speedo adapter on the tranny... Help please....

Q ship
09-24-2004, 04:22 PM
Maybe this helps? (http://www.jsarep.com/tctko67.pdf)
Page 1, under "extra parts needed". I don't have any experience with this(yet).

10-14-2004, 11:05 AM
Did you get this resolved yet?
If not, I want to help get it resolved.
Just let me know. These adapters are supposed to work with zero modifications.


10-21-2004, 01:36 PM
I got it to work. Thank you for offering though Mike... :-)