View Full Version : USCA Daytona, best event EVER!

05-28-2014, 04:43 AM
USCA Daytona was the greatest event so far and I think everyone who attended will back me up.

My experience started with spending an hour with Kerry Earnhardt and him telling how the car nailed the look and brought back some great memories, he even took it for a drive, to receiving the Spirit of the Event Award Sunday evening.

I ran every lap of every session hitting 149 mph; including being the last car off the track Saturday night, had 26 autox laps, and 45 runs on the speed stop.

I had countless people come look over the Monte Carlo. Many said how well it looked on the track and how great it was to see the #3 back at Daytona. I cannot help but think of Dale as I view all the pictures and video I have seen.

i want to thank all the USCA staff and Optima batteries for making this possible for a little guy like me, and you reading this, to run at such a prestigust track. Mooney/Zayak production for all attention you have given this car and myself. Schwartz Performance and West Bend Dyno Tuning. Also all the people who took photos to help capture the event.

If a USCA is in your area, we drove only 1400 to get to Daytona, register and you will not be disappointed. Their events run like clock work. You will have all the track time you want and you will leave with new friends and most of all a smile and experience of a lifetime.






05-28-2014, 05:55 AM
There is no doubt that having the #3 Monte Carlo at Daytona added greatly to everyone Daytona experience! Congratulations on your performance and your well deserved awards last weekend!

I've been doing events professionally since 1987...NHRA...Super Chevy...NSRA...Goodguys...and many others. They are ALL well run. NONE OF THEM ARE AS WELL RUN AS USCA.

Preparation...professionalism..scheduling...solid, common sense rules...on-time execution of the schedule...I do not take these things for granted...I admire the amount of discipline it takes to pull this off. If I sound like a fanboy its because I proudly am. That is why I bring my cars and our sponsorship dollars to this series of events. Their customers leave happy...and tired :)

Over the last 27 years I've done over 1,000 events. This Daytona event has already made its way into my top 3.

My Daytona highlights in no particular order:

* The sheer enormity of the facility [and I've even been there before]
* Being on the 40 degree banking for the first time [during the lead follow laps]
* coming off the banking for the first time at speed [and getting pulled 3 ft towards the wall]
* watching Danny Popp come out of Turn 4 at 175 mph
* HEARING Danny Popp come out of Turn 4 at 7400 rpm
* seeing the roof of our 62 Impala NASCAR come thru Turn 4
* peeing in the same place at Richard Petty and Dale Earnhardt
* bring home the same amount of cars that I took [4]
* the badass food that Albert Melchior grilled for all of us
* witnessing the absolute wonderful time that EVERYONE had at Daytona.

Next year there will be a lottery to see who gets to come.

I'll take 4 tickets please.

BMR Sales
05-28-2014, 06:51 AM

BMR Sales
05-28-2014, 06:53 AM

05-28-2014, 10:18 AM
One thing I may not have elaborated on before...

We call this "racing" because it is a recognizable term. It is NOT fender to fender REAL racing...its a bunch of guys driving their cars fast [very fast in some cases]. The big thing to note is that while there ARE some fast cars and some fast drivers in attendance, the vast MAJORITY of the participants have little or no experience on a track like this. This means we are all learning [and expanding] our comfort zones. Due to the format of the event, the firsttime driver can feel just as comfortable as a seasoned veteran knowing that the USCA staff will lead you through the process, tell you when and where to be, tell you what to watch out for, gently remind you if you forget, and generally make sure you enjoy your "racing" experience. They don't forget you're there after the check clears.

It seems many people are intimidated by these events...I'm not good enough...my cars is not fast enough...my position would be..."the only way to get experience is...to get experience. Remember the first time you quit leaning against the wall at the 8th grade dance?

The other thing is the people involved. I encountered one guy there last weekend who was all geeked up because he was able to talk to his "heros" While I was humbled and appreciative of his opinion, I wonder how many people think some of the "name brand" people are too busy to talk to them. Trust me, this is not the case, at least 99% of the time. Yes, sometimes we get in the middle of a thrash or are 30 seconds from going out on track...maybe not the best time to engage in a lenghthy question. The other 99% of the time I can assure you all that Kyle Tucker, Brian Finch, Danny Popp, James Shipka, Randy Johnson, Chris Smith, and ALL the other competitors are eager to talk about cars and racing. It's what we love, it's what we do, it's who we are. Step up, introduce yourself, tell us about your car project, ask questions...join the club!

05-28-2014, 10:44 AM
I'm very happy for ya'll, but jealously oozes from my pores. I'm selling my home in Florida and moving back to Indiana at this very moment, but when this is settled I can't wait to bring my newbie self to these events.

Steve Chryssos
05-28-2014, 11:35 AM
It was a big time for sure. I'll add ----> The following is really important ----> that the USCA welcomes participants of all skill levels. Their marketing might imply that USCA events are hardcore all-out competitions, when the truth is that everyone is welcome including novice enthusiasts.

I personally had this impression myself since in prior years, events had catchy names like Face-Off. I don't want you to remove my face. That name is long gone and while there is in fact a competition going on at USCA events, you need not participate at that level. Instead, you can enter as a novice, work on your driving with the help of a FREE instructor and enjoy the competition when not behind the wheel. To me, that's the best of both worlds.

I have driven Daytona as a competitor in a ChumpCar Race two years ago. Despite that experience, I still chose to enter the novice class. Lucky me, I pretty much had the track to myself. With a fresh engine under the hood, it was a great chance to shakedown my car. Can you imagine how much it would cost to rent THE Daytona International Speedway for two days of testing? Plus an instructor? Plus Albert's exemplary grilling?

The biggest concern was that Daytona would wear my car out -- especially since it was so hot. The USCA eliminated that concern by adding in temporary chicanes to limit speeds and increase safety. It worked.

... The entire experience costs far less than the price of a pair of billet hood hinges. Spectator, novice, or competitor, get yourself -- and your hot rod -- to the next USCA event and be sure to attend next year's Daytona event. Add it to the very top of your bucket list. It's THAT good.

05-28-2014, 12:12 PM
I had a great time as well and the food was excellent.

I want to give a special thanks to the JR Motorsports/Weistec guys that showed up with the Benz's. They were super cordial, gave away lots of hats and offered water to whomever wanted it (or looked like they needed it!). I know that's a simple thing, but thought it showed a lot of class and enthusiasm and are the kind of people we want representing the sport.

I'll give it a 3 way tie on exhaust notes between Danny Popp, the Benz's and the black mid year Vette (sorry, didn't get your name!)

Schwartz Performance
05-28-2014, 05:37 PM
Glad you thought of me Dan! Lol JK...

We can't wait to attend a USCA event, been hearing good feedback about it.


05-28-2014, 06:10 PM
The other thing is the people involved. I encountered one guy there last weekend who was all geeked up because he was able to talk to his "heros" While I was humbled and appreciative of his opinion, I wonder how many people think some of the "name brand" people are too busy to talk to them. Trust me, this is not the case, at least 99% of the time. Yes, sometimes we get in the middle of a thrash or are 30 seconds from going out on track...maybe not the best time to engage in a lenghthy question. The other 99% of the time I can assure you all that Kyle Tucker, Brian Finch, Danny Popp, James Shipka, Randy Johnson, Chris Smith, and ALL the other competitors are eager to talk about cars and racing. It's what we love, it's what we do, it's who we are. Step up, introduce yourself, tell us about your car project, ask questions...join the club!

I was another one that got to meet a bunch of people face to face there that I've posted with for years on these boards...and I enjoyed every minute of it. Not long after I showed up on site, I was talking with people like I've known them for years, standing in their garages BSing over their cars, drinking water out of their coolers, standing in their trucks watching cars on the track...you name it. I felt right at home because of the hospitality shown by everyone there.

Heck, the first day I parked in the spectator lot (far away from everything) and I was just starting my long trek to the Daytona club to get my wristband when a guy pulled up to me in his car and asked me where I was headed, I told him and he pushed open his door and said "hop in" I'm headed not far from there. Turns out he was a Chump car driver, he gave me a tour of the Chump garage and dropped me off near the door to the Daytona club. And I thought things like that only happened in the Midwest...

05-28-2014, 06:26 PM
I'm feeling the after-event letdown myself. I had a blast, saw old friends, made new friends, and got to show both my dad and my son what this was all about.

I pulled all the stickers off today, and the car looks naked. It looked so much better like this:


Muscle Express Ryan
05-29-2014, 07:21 AM
I was a volunteer and spectator and it was still the best. We were able to get up close to all the action. Three days of the ultimate (in my opinion) car event, what a dream. I cant wait until S0ebring. There is so much passion, experience, and knowledge at these events it's like getting to play basketball with Michael Jordan on his home court or flag football with Joe Montana at the superbowl.
Im glad to be apart of this segment and time period in the industry. Im so excited for the future.
Thank you to all the sponsors, participants,corner workers, and staff I was in awe all weekend. Cant take these things for granted what an experience.

https://static1.pt-content.com/images/pt/2014/05/20140524_125444_zps5vohihtt-1.jpg (http://s1303.photobucket.com/user/MuscleExpressInc/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20140524_125444_zps5vohihtt.jpg.html)

Muscle Express Ryan
05-29-2014, 08:42 AM
Couple more pictures.

https://static1.pt-content.com/images/pt/2014/05/IMG_20140523_202122_zps7bmlgq5q-1.jpg (http://s1303.photobucket.com/user/MuscleExpressInc/media/USCA/IMG_20140523_202122_zps7bmlgq5q.jpg.html)

Zip, from Streetmetal Concepts, and I were stop number 2 on the road rally. Cool to see all these cars on the street then the track.
https://static1.pt-content.com/images/pt/2014/05/20140523_143017_zpsn1zocz6t-1.jpg (http://s1303.photobucket.com/user/MuscleExpressInc/media/USCA/20140523_143017_zpsn1zocz6t.jpg.html)

https://static1.pt-content.com/images/pt/2014/05/IMG_20140523_140028_zpsqik414vy-1.jpg (http://s1303.photobucket.com/user/MuscleExpressInc/media/USCA/IMG_20140523_140028_zpsqik414vy.jpg.html)

https://static1.pt-content.com/images/pt/2014/05/20140525_172845_zpslqt5vfdy-1.jpg (http://s1303.photobucket.com/user/MuscleExpressInc/media/USCA/20140525_172845_zpslqt5vfdy.jpg.html)

BMR Sales
05-29-2014, 11:26 AM
One thing I may not have elaborated on before...

We call this "racing" because it is a recognizable term. It is NOT fender to fender REAL racing...its a bunch of guys driving their cars fast [very fast in some cases]. The big thing to note is that while there ARE some fast cars and some fast drivers in attendance, the vast MAJORITY of the participants have little or no experience on a track like this. This means we are all learning [and expanding] our comfort zones. Due to the format of the event, the firsttime driver can feel just as comfortable as a seasoned veteran knowing that the USCA staff will lead you through the process, tell you when and where to be, tell you what to watch out for, gently remind you if you forget, and generally make sure you enjoy your "racing" experience. They don't forget you're there after the check clears.

It seems many people are intimidated by these events...I'm not good enough...my cars is not fast enough...my position would be..."the only way to get experience is...to get experience. Remember the first time you quit leaning against the wall at the 8th grade dance?

The other thing is the people involved. I encountered one guy there last weekend who was all geeked up because he was able to talk to his "heros" While I was humbled and appreciative of his opinion, I wonder how many people think some of the "name brand" people are too busy to talk to them. Trust me, this is not the case, at least 99% of the time. Yes, sometimes we get in the middle of a thrash or are 30 seconds from going out on track...maybe not the best time to engage in a lenghthy question. The other 99% of the time I can assure you all that Kyle Tucker, Brian Finch, Danny Popp, James Shipka, Randy Johnson, Chris Smith, and ALL the other competitors are eager to talk about cars and racing. It's what we love, it's what we do, it's who we are. Step up, introduce yourself, tell us about your car project, ask questions...join the club!

The other thing to consider is that USCA Events are held in conjunction with ChumpCar events (sameweekend) to offset Track Rental Costs. In the case of Daytona, Chumpcar was on Sunday. So if you wanted to get some wheel to wheel action on the same weekend, you can do that. Chumpcar Rentals are easy to get.

05-29-2014, 11:45 AM
Moar pics!

05-29-2014, 06:34 PM



05-29-2014, 07:33 PM
My wife, kids and I flew in from Toronto Canada to see the event as spectators and support Tony and Nicole who actually drove their 69 Camaro 20 hours form Toronto to participate in this event. We had a great time. We got to meet a lot of the people that we look up to and even followed the group on the Detroit speed road rally on Friday. Watching the cars come down on turn 4 was crazy! Heck my older son even lent a hand in James's garage. Looking forward to next year's event.

05-31-2014, 03:26 PM
I'm envious of the experience, but I have to admit to being intimidated by the notion of running a banked oval, especially at serious speed. Still, I think I'll try to do the event next year and get some of that experience for myself.

06-01-2014, 06:22 PM
This has been a frustrating spring for me. Reading about all the fun I'm missing out on because Dust Off has been setting on the rack for several months now with no engine. I hope I can get the car operational and make it to at least one event this year. My local Autocross plans have been totally scrapped for this season. If the car is not ready I may just volunteer to work an upcoming event.