View Full Version : Hi to all from South Africa

11-15-2013, 11:59 PM
Hello everybody, my name is ozzie and I live in Johannesburg South Africa. Have an avid interest in pro-touring muscle cars and racing (especially the top end flat out stuff). We don't have any pro-touring style events or pro-touring cars in our country at all, maybe a hill climb event now and again pursued mostly by the rice burner and Italian sports car crowd otherwise there is nothing majorly exciting going on over here with regard pro-touring cars :-(.

11-16-2013, 12:10 AM

11-16-2013, 04:44 AM
Hi, new here myself. Wanted to visit south Africa ever since I got interested in Boer Boels, didn't get one though too cold here, got two Alaskan Huskies instead lol.

Hope you enjoy it here as much as I do. LOADS of info n cool stuff! :)

11-16-2013, 02:56 PM
Welcome to the forum!


11-16-2013, 03:37 PM
Welcome aboard

11-16-2013, 09:44 PM
Welcome Ozzie,
You mentioned rice burners and italian sports cars, are there many American muscle cars there? South Africa does not come to mind as a major car enthusist country. What car are you looking to build?

11-17-2013, 07:36 AM
Welcome Ozzie,
You mentioned rice burners and italian sports cars, are there many American muscle cars there? South Africa does not come to mind as a major car enthusist country. What car are you looking to build?

They made sooped up cars illegal here but you get a lot of jap stuff, VW Golfs and Subaru's with small engines that they turbo charge etc. Muscle cars here are very rare, never see them. I had a '69 Mustang fast back with the 351 W 4bbl and 3 speed manual box in it a while back that I sold for the equivalent of a thousand dollars because nobody wanted it and I didn't have the space to keep it anymore, it was in dire need of a total makeover but to import parts into here from the US is highly expensive because they add 70% of the cost of the spares on top of the price for import duties and the exchange rate between your currency and our currency is ridiculous (over 10 rand to one dollar). If I had the bucks I would look at a '72 Charger or something similar like a Roadrunner that I would like to chuck a 540 Hemi into. I'm more interested in the top end, flat out runs that you have over there sometimes, more than the twisties and course racing. PS, your Camaro looks real classy, what do you think of the Big Red Camaro that was on the pro touring circuit a while ago, I thought that car was awesome.

11-17-2013, 04:15 PM
Big Red is one of those iconic cars that everyone knows about. Making souped up cars illegal sounds a bit narrow mined on the part of the lawmakers.

11-17-2013, 11:24 PM
Four school kids got killed here a while ago when two people were drag racing their Minis on a public road and lost control of their cars and unfortunately the kids were at the wrong place at the wrong time and got hit. So they did a clamp down on sooped up cars. The drivers got charged with murder and are now residing in jail. There is a Hot Rod crowd here and South Africa does have our own Hot Rod magazine but the hobby is very small, only a couple hundred people at the most, no high end muscle cars or very few at least. We don't have the facilities like you have over in US so the people race on the street illegally. There are a few race tracks here (you need a foot and a half suspension travel to go on them though, rather bumpy). No pro touring events at all.......yet.

BMR Sales
11-18-2013, 07:16 AM
Welcome Ozzie!


12-01-2013, 05:32 PM
Welcome Ozzie! My neighbour is from South Africa as well and has many stories to tell of the country! He has been in Canada for 10 years now and loves it!! He is the North American supplier for auto watch security out of South Africa.