- Looking for work
- Car Guy needs a Job around Clarksville, TN.
- Car Guy needs a Job around Ft. Sill, OK.
- Work and college
- Auto Painter/Restoration/Custom/Body "combo guy"
- need a worker by knoxville tennessee?
- Looking for part time employment
- Starting the search...
- Looking for work in Los Angeles
- Jobs in up state NY?
- Employment Needed - Will Relocate
- Looking to get foot in door of speed shop!
- Employment needed in Massachusetts
- A go getter with an unbeatable work ethic
- Mechanical Engineer - Chicago Area
- I need a job! LA/OC California
- Part-Time / Full Time Work Needed
- Looking at options...
- Lancaster Ohio - Is anyone near by? I'm trying to help my dad find a job.
- Montana
- Seeing what is out there for an experienced welder/fabricator, Veteran.
- All around Technician
- I'm looking to change careers
- Product & Customer Support - Warranty - Operations - Sales - Design
- Do what you love, and never work a day in your life.
- Scottsdale, AZ Area
- Sales Manager / General Manager
- Army Vet for hire
- Seeking career change
- Thinking about relocating to Georgia or ?
- Looking for career change
- testing the waters
- Skilled metal fabricator looking to relocate
- Paid Vacation