View Full Version : Ignition
- What ignition to use???
- Types of ignition.
- Tach not working w/ MSD ready-to-run distributor
- what to run for timing
- setting timing
- MSD Distributors
- new crane cams ignition
- Crane HI 6 ignition w/o GM-OE coil module
- Do I need to use a balast resistor on the MSD ignition?
- EMERGENCY! No Start! Help!!
- New Crane Dist...anyone got it yet???
- Ignition Gremlens.. Need Help!!!!!!!!!
- How I turned an points dist into electronis dist.
- Acts retarded even at 20 degrees
- Water...popping...dead!
- HEI..or a MSD Box
- HEI Firewall clearance issue
- Anybody get a DUI?
- Wont run, please help
- Spark Plug Interesting Find
- Where to mount a MSD Box - 2nd Gen Camaro?
- Startup issue
- dist cap corrosion ARGHH!
- Spark plug comparison?
- ignition switch disassembly?
- Any opinion on pertronix second strike?
- How do you assemble Taylor LT1 ignition wires?
- My Chevy centerbolt LT1 wire looms.
- MSD Pro Billet ready to run distributor
- All of a sudden runs like it's missing
- Plug Wire Resistance
- LS1 system on older engine?
- Accel shorty plugs made by NGK?
- Push button ignition
- Running like crap
- Plug Wires
- Weird.... only a few sparks
- Mallory Unilite...Use, upgrade or buy different brand?
- msd e-curve
- Procomp HEI Distributer - Group Purchase?
- Plug wire looms
- Tachometer issues
- Ignition curve 455
- will i see a difference in performance
- MSD is pissing me off
- Looking for the best street/strip spark plugs
- crane street/race distributer cap?
- MSD help!
- Adjustable distributor slip collar?
- LS364 Ignition problems!
- To Gap or not to Gap?
- timing problems msd
- 70 Ls5 Help!
- Ignition combo
- ignition grounded? HELP!
- Is vacume advance needed
- Burnt wires
- more whoas - dist f***d up? Recommendations
- Replacing car battery
- HEI Vacume Advance
- starting woes
- Sometimes car won't start help me narrow down things to check.
- ? on FAST XFI and eDist on early chevy
- programmable ingintion curve (pontiac)
- Opti Spark Vacuum lines
- MSD 6 HVC--can it be run on the street
- Timing walking/jumping around
- mech or vaccum adv???
- Mechanical advance vs. vacuum advance article
- HEI trouble - no spark
- MSD- spark jumping
- E-curve no fire!!!!!!
- Plug wire question?
- breakdown 3-4K...
- Distributor - Dumb Question
- ICM and coil testing
- lost on a accel dissy
- What Mods for 502 RJ Ignition
- Plugs
- Reluctor Alignment - MSD Pro-Billet
- Help! My new build won't start.
- My car won't restart easy when warm.
- jacobs electronics
- smaller HEI?
- Pre-cut wires for SBC 350?
- MSD distributor parts search
- coil pack mounts
- Anyone use the Summit Ignition Box?
- No spark - MSD Pickup Problems ?
- proper ecm chip
- Pulstar Plugs
- Initial timing for BBC with FI and Small Cap MSD?
- Spark Plug Tube Loom?
- What plugs for Vortec heads?
- Driving the oil pump after you convert to distributorless ignition
- Once you have a decent ecm how do you find the best timing?
- Ignition Timing
- points eliminator with MSD
- rookie distributor curve question-
- plug gap?
- spark plug heat range chart
- Timing Curve
- need help on timing a 396 with locked out distributor
- which one?msd digital 6+ or analog 6al
- What kind of timing lights are you using?
- No spark
- 502 Woes
- MSD/ spark control box
- "Shorty" header plugs? whats the Perfect Plug???
- Plugs and wires - what are you using?
- Distributorless Ignition Systems Questions
- Anyone running MSD 7 programmable on the street?
- ignition retard on startup?
- Spark plug wires for H.E.I.?
- Let's Talk about Distributors
- 95 LT1 plugs
- *lt1 guys* opti question
- Ignition troubles/ engine running rough
- MSD air gap ?
- crank trigger coil per cylinder system
- MSD or ?
- What would cause this?
- Car dead, HEI problems..
- pinging problem
- non gm keyed
- Car won't start!! Maybe ignition??
- factory timing for 69 charger
- Vertex Magneto Looking HEI Unit
- broken reluctor wheel
- Not PT exactly but my 92 C1500 ate it's 4th or 5th coil this morning
- MSD Ignition Digital E-Curve Pro-Billet Distributor
- Looking for DIS ignition for my 72 Pantera
- HEI Distributor
- 67 gto
- Sanderson shorty headers on a '72 Olds Cutlass S??
- plugs for 12.1 302
- Ignition advice
- e-curve o-rings, need them?
- Spark plugs?
- Plugged vacuum port
- Proffesional Products Powerfire
- Proper distributor endplay numbers?
- Testing MSD AL-6
- Question on setting the distributor
- Can't get distributor to line up
- Timing for a zz430 supercharged engine
- wires for 5.3l w/headers
- HEI help please
- Read my plugs
- Engine Timing
- Anyone with a bad MSD Digital 6
- Distibutor Wiring Issues
- Mallory Max Fire?
- 67 c10 no fire!
- what distributor?
- Any ideas?
- Need assistance with GM HEI -> Thruster
- Plugs for Blown Small Block
- Ignition help please! Starting problems.
- MSD box selection & dist ?
- Ignition with Procharger
- Oil In My Distributor Cap
- 2000 mustang stalling out around 4500 rpms
- Dart Pro 1 Aluminum Heads..Anyone
- Header clearance/ 90 degree plug caps
- what wires?
- Tried all I know but just won't start!!!
- problem with advance on timing
- Msd strret fire ignition help
- Best timing curve for a 6.0L L92 head carburated
- Coil behind firewall
- msd help
- crappy MSD again...
- Which MSD Ignition, Distributor, Coil??
- No Spark on LT1?
- engine won't spark on start up
- HEI coil arching
- Need some advice 99 taurus ECM bad
- Electronics friendly plug wires
- No Injector Pulse?
- Burning coils
- coil wire end
- need new spark plug wires... what kind?
- need help MSD 6AL
- MSD 6AL wiring.
- Spark plug problems now.
- Timing issues. Chevy 350 with HEI dist
- Mallory Springs for My MSD Distributor?
- Spark plugs wires burning problem
- Boost engineering dis 8
- Arcing from my plug wires.
- Need a new coil.
- Accel HEI corrected distributor cap
- LT1 spark plug gap
- Alternator
- Timing Lockout
- MSD: Digital 6 plus VS 6AL-2
- Best Ignition for my needs??????
- Vertex "MAG" distributor
- What plug wires
- Max-Fire or E-Fire owners. Urgent help needed.
- HEI vs External Coil Standard Distributor Non Points Type
- LS coil covers/two piece valve covers??
- shorty plugs
- Mallory e-series coils ??
- Timing Suggestions for best Performance
- 350 spark plugs
- msd 6530 6al2 programmable digital
- Advice on a timing curve using the MSD Digital E-Curve Distributor
- Igniton troubles I think?
- high rpm miss-tery......
- no spark
- Ls1 spark plug leads
- counterfeit msd 6al boxes watch out.
- Need MSD 2-Pin Connector
- What's a good 1st Gen Camaro distributor.
- Distributor hold down clamp not working, any ideas?
- Tach Problems - Is distributor/coil wired correctly?
- Spark Plugs / Total Timing on blown 540
- SBC HEI Cold Starts, then Spits, Sputters, and won't Idle??
- 2004 GMC 4.3 timing
- Causes for Timing shifting on SBC 305.
- Ls Valve Covers
- tach is bouncing around 2000 rpm
- Engine wont start, what now
- MSD Instal = Car Shutting off...
- 460 CI Ford engine won't crank when hot
- Spark I want resistor plugs or no?
- MSD Digital 6AL died
- Colder Plugs?
- FAST duelsync distributor
- spark plug gap with HEI
- Push to start/keyless entry for 1969 Camaro
- Pi Digital Dash Questions
- Plasma Ignition Systems?
- 357 SBC...getting no spark..
- MSD 6AL ignition box question
- LS Coil Relocation Bracket -- Truck Coils 12558693
- mallory unilite-no signal, was previously working, works in diff car
- Bbc spark plug reccomendations please
- What wires to use
- Went for a Long Ride, Next Day ... No Spark
- PLEASE HELP Ignition issue
- crane cams hi6 igintion box??
- procomp ignition box??
- 69 Camaro no spark
- MSD on my 69 Camaro
- Need help with converted GM HEI car
- Car stalls after 10 minutes
- MSD programable digital 7 Question
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