- RU faster than a Redneck?
- R U faster than a Redneck
- R U faster than a Redneck???
- R U faster than a Redneck Premier Feb. 21,2012
- R U Faster than a Redneck - Leaked photos
- R U Faster Than A Redneck NASCAR Sirius Interview
- R U Faster Than A Redneck live chat Monday Feb 25th
- Bill Howell and JB Junior Radio Interview this Saturday
- Premiere party pictures I took
- R they really that Fast?
- Bucket List Items
- Mullet Mafia decals??
- So...who's car would YOU vote to compete on the show?
- It's Monday, that means the count down is on until a new episode premieres tonight
- more on the cars in the redneck stable?
- Are the "RedNecks" up for a Yankee challenge?
- Isn't it really about the racing?
- I know I will get flamed on this...Mustangs always seem to lose
- Any Word on Where the Next Redneck Venue Will Be and When?
- My 4 year old just said...
- season 2