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    Results 1 to 12 of 12
    1. #1
      Join Date
      Sep 2006
      Southern Indiana
      Country Flag: United States

      Well has anyone ever been between a rock, a hard place and a crevase?

      I thought I had my finaces in check even though I was still getting back on my feel from being off back in Jan/Feb.
      Well then I got hit on Ebay and it so far has cost me ALL of my spare cash, mad money and project cash(not that any of ot was a great amount)stash.
      I lost an $670 pay check, the $328 in my savings side of my checking, then I find out my $876 "fund" is gone and bank is like "uh you with drew it" ,,,not.
      I then borrowed $850 bucks to get things set straight in my checking and be able to scrape by taking all my scrap metal to the junkyard (ie old cars that dont need to be around and old parts that will add to the weight.
      Well I go to the bank and I am $349 down, And get a letter from the lectric company that my check bounced last month and that amount is due tomorrow or else.
      They tell me that I can call a "trustee" of the township and get help.
      Well my buddy had a new baby and his wife wrecked thier car and he needed time to get his first check as I had got him a job at my job at the time,,,they helped him with $12.50.
      I have tried to sell some stuff, I have never been this bad off, I have been tight but man this new job only paying every 2 weeks and the service manager giving me crap and no good ,quick jobs to build my hours, then I get the "oh here jump off that and fix this, or go help this guy" but my SM now doesnt make sure I get paid for work I do like my previous boss.
      I hate to say it but it sometimes make s me mad, I spend $20K-$30K going to school, read everything I can to educate my self, buy the best tools I can afford, not the best tools. I only want to have a decent days work, an honest paycheck (as I live in southern Indiana and it doesnt cost a lot to live here, and I love the area)and be able to play with my car and fix it and my truck up.
      I dont mind saving for parts, ot extra tools, or trade for services/parts.
      Heck I am using every used part I have and making the rest or repairing what I have (ie headers as they did get damaged in wreck of other Monza) .
      But for some reason I see dope heads get $60k a year jobs , people lie on job apps and I mean LIE. Not bend the facts.
      God help me but I will get through but may sit in darkness and I will get this car running just for fun and not on a credit card or big budget.
      Heck this problem even puts 3 of my development projects on the very far back burner and those could make me money.
      Go figure I wonder sometimes if I shouldnt start lieing and cheating everyperson I meet.
      But I cant do that to my dad, he has been gone 6yrs March 1.
      Oh well this is just a vent.
      Hope everyone has better luck. I gotta go try to call some people to see if they can buy some stuff I have.

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Aug 2004
      Dunwoody, GA
      Country Flag: United States
      Quote Originally Posted by MonzaRacer
      Go figure I wonder sometimes if I shouldnt start lieing and cheating everyperson I meet.

      Sometimes I question this as well. I charge by the hour for my work, not what the book says. So if it take me 3 hours that's what you pay, not 6 because the book says so. I don't sell fancy spark plugs and racing plug wires in my packages. Basically, I don't sell crap just to make money. My competition kicks my ass doing this. But I can't sleep at night if I tell people that their LS whatever will make more power if they by these here spark plugs and wires with my companies logo on it. I only sell what a customer needs to make their car go. I'll make it eventually and I'll do it honestly, and no one will ever be able to take that away from me.

      Sorry to hear of your hardships. Keep your head up and bust your ass. You'll make it. Also be loyal to yourself first and foremost. If thi semployer isn't treating you right, call him on it or simply find another job where you're appreciated.

      "The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese."
      ~ Jon Hammond

      1979 WS6 Trans Am stock LT1/T56 drive train out of my Formula. BMW M-parallel rims. C5/C6 brakes

      build thread https://www.pro-touring.com/showthre...ghlight=begins

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Sep 2006
      Country Flag: United States
      BEEN THERE. THIS TOO SHALL PASS. most intelligent word I ever heard

    4. #4
      Join Date
      Mar 2007
      Country Flag: United States
      Been there,About 10-12 years ago I lived several months without electricty during divorce. Was stubborn/stupid? and refused to sell one of the cars to pay the lawyers and bills. Eventually caught up and doing very well now and as a bonus get to keep as many toys as I feel like!
      I own a bicycle/skateboard business and feel like WS6 about charging so I do whats right for the customer and the store has a great reputation and customer base while I can sleep well because I don't lie or cheat the people.
      Buy a big coffee at night to heat up in the morn. and a couple kerosene lamps. Get a spare tank of gas for the BBQ if you have an electric stove. Good luck , hope things work out. Be happy it's not winter!

    5. #5
      Join Date
      Oct 2004
      St.Anne Il
      Country Flag: United States
      wow that sucks..itll get better ..as far as losing a paycheck i did that once (actually my dog chewed it) but no one ever believes that..and they cut me one on spot at the office..i we used to get payed every 2 weeks and damn i hated that too..always felt broke..keep your head up and keep grinding..
      Darrin Stalnecker
      1969 Camaro Convert full pt pr
      2007 Corvette Supercharged
      1968 Camaro LS1 T56

    6. #6
      Join Date
      Sep 2006
      Southern Indiana
      Country Flag: United States
      Well the car will never sell except to another Monza person and I dont havetitle yet soooo, I have my big block but its a lowly 402 and no one will want it and I really am not wanting to loose it as I can always use it in truck (friend has manifolds to begine with from his Suburban.
      I have tried to sell the GM Heavy duty Ignition (ie MSD 6T) I have with the old style(points) cap dist with no vac advance and the coil, the box checks out with multimeter but nee to break down and hook it up real quick to see if it fires still.
      I do still have my old school MSD5 that would be cool for a retro look car (it has the old cast MSD logo ratherthan a sticker and has some minor aluminum corrosion under ed paint on edges, ie it looks used.Had thought about using it on Monza to look different even if it isnt hooked up.
      None of my trans/shifters are 4 speed so they wont sell easy.
      Thought I had things sitting ok for another week but guess not,,hope I can get my advance tomorrow and see if I can scrape rest together and keep them from shutting me down tomorrow night when I get off work.
      I tend to get in a rush to fix things but after few hours get my head around a problem and fix it or figure out how to atleast patch it.
      This is just getting me down and I am still paying for bounced check for gas too and I have to find more cash for gas to work,,cant walk the 35 miles each way.
      One of my idiot friends told me to sell my truck and buy a mileage car but I cant, then Ican pull my trailer to haul junk or cars or anything. Cant sell trailer as it was dads and not actually in my name fully yet either.
      Just sucks, if electric is off about $60 or $70 in food(enough for me to stretch till next week and beyond) will be going bad too.
      Anyway thank for the kind words and moral support.

    7. #7
      Join Date
      Jan 2006
      Snohomish, Washington
      Country Flag: United States
      i know what youve been through and it sucks, every one hits a bump in the road and all you can do is wait for it to get better. but hope you pick up soon its hard to see people with no money because it reminds me of us (family).

      also your like me! i dont have the title yet for my car either, its been 2 years, dont EVER buy from a family friend they jack you around. (starting to get pissed.)

    8. #8
      Join Date
      Jul 2001
      Detroit, Michigan
      Country Flag: United States
      Lee...it happens to a lot of people. My brother went to school for 2 years to learn CAD at I.T.T. and just when he was starting to cut his teeth in the industry some terrorists decided to slam planes into the World Trade Center and our economy went down the drain. A year later thousands of people were laid off from all the job shops including his whole department at Modern Engineering. Suddenly he was amongst a sea of Designers looking for work that had 10-15 years experience on him. He looked for work for an entire year before taking a job selling furniture. Today he sells car stereos at ABC Warehouse and is quite a bitter man these days. But he's holding his head above water. So it could be worse.

      Good luck to you and remember, the clouds will pass and you'll crawl out of this hole eventually. And when you're done brushing the dirt off, you'll be a better man for it.
      1968 Pro-Touring Camaro LS1

      Project: Next Year
      - Start date; June '01
      - Completion; Sometime next year or the year after.....

    9. #9
      Join Date
      Oct 2004
      Delaware, OH
      Sorry to hear about the monetary problems Lee. Like everyone else said, it'll pass, just take it one day at time (easier said than done, I know). Been there, done that. I probably missed a prior post, but what happened on eBay to affect your finances? Did you get scammed? I ask this not to get in your personal business, but to hopefully alert others and keep it from happening to them.

      Keep your chin up!

    10. #10
      Join Date
      Jun 2007
      Fort Myers, FL
      Sorry to hear about your trouble. As all things it will pass and since you have a good head on your shoulders you'll become a better man out of it. Just keep your head up and keep pushing. I too am interested on the ebay thing cause i too was scammed for about 1500 in audio equipment.
      Chris Smock aka Blazed67
      1967 Firebird Convertible- Tough Luck- never ending
      2003 VW Jetta Wagon 1.8T- the new DD
      2006 Suzuki SV1000R- greatly missed

    11. #11
      Join Date
      Jul 2005
      i was in a similar situation almost a year ago

      thought i was ok on money and the wife was paying the bills

      came home to find the electric off car ins not paid and a missed house payment (we have direct payment of the house payment)

      everything said and done found out we had been changing the check register so it "looked good"

      went to my parents and borrowed money from them and am slowly paying that back
      i have gotten the rest of the bills paid off( doctor, hospital, cc, car payment, etc...)

      my advise is to analize all of your expenses and see what is not needed

      ( i also made the wife get a 2nd job because she had lied to me and that was a severe punishment to take her away from our at the time 3 month old )

      we are doing good right now just watching everything we do and spend money on

    12. #12
      Join Date
      Feb 2002
      Springfield, MO
      Country Flag: United States
      I am sorry to hear of your problems man. I know it doesn't help much but, anything that doesn't kill you only makes you stronger! I call these problems "character builders"! Keep your chin up and keep doing good and keep faith. It WILL get better!

      69 Camaro Twin Turbo'd
      58 Nomad 348 Baby Rat


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